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Warning : Unhealthy relationship, obsessive thoughts, kinda sad, graphic (?) etc.

There wasn't a single thing on the planet he wouldn't do for Oliver. He gave him his all, anything the latter asked for, he would comply. He knows it's wrong, he tells himself he's doing it for himself, that he isn't stupid. Marcus can't let go of Oliver, he will do anything to make him stay with him, even if it means ignoring the other partners Oliver fools around with. He turns a blind eye, tells himself it isn't real, it isn't happening, Oliver loves him.

Marcus stares at his phone, waiting for a text from Oliver, hopeful, although the chances were slim. He hears a soft knock on his door, he lights up. Marcus rushes to the door, in all his speed and excitement, his heart racing, it feels like it's beating out of his chest. He soon faces disillusionment, it wasn't Oliver, but rather some random salesperson. His smile turned into a frown, his heart beat rapidly returning to normal. He feels embarrassed and wears a monotonous yet annoyed face.

"Not interested, thanks." Marcus shuts the door and slumps back on his bed.

The room is messy, unkept. Cockroaches happily took over his leftovers, deciding to turn the room into their own. Marcus himself was unkept. He made his way to the restroom, staring at himself in the dirty mirror. His dark circles complimented his pale skin, his hair was messy, his lips were dry and looked like a desert.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid..." Marcus muttered to himself before finally reaching his full rage. He was angry at himself, he hated himself. Looking at himself, he realized he was hideous and stupid. How would a person like Oliver Wood ever choose him? He punched the mirror, knuckles bloody, he kept going until the glass was destroyed. Marcus screamed and pulled his hair, eventually sobbing uncontrollably.

Ding. Marcus quickly stopped himself as he heard his phone, he ran to the phone, sighing in relief and laughing to himself. "I knew he would come to me..." He smiled to himself.

Marcus unlocked his phone, opening up his messages.

'I need you to send over some more money.' The message read, so Marcus complied. He wanted Oliver's attention, his affection, he needed to feel like Oliver needed him. He wanted to be his sole provider, so Oliver wouldn't leave him. Oliver wouldn't need anything with him, he would fill him with all the greatest pleasures a man could ever want.

Marcus tried to call Oliver, he desperately craved the sweetness of his voice. He called over 10 times, nothing. He eventually gave up but not before leaving a message, 'Please... I need to listen to your voice...just once'

Days went by and there was only silence on Oliver's end. Marcus hadn't eaten since the last time Oliver had sent him a message. His only nourishment was Oliver, his words, his affection and attention, he needed nothing else in this world.

He lived for Oliver and only Oliver, he saw nothing else, and he wanted nothing else. Marcus repeated his routine of waiting for Oliver, any sign of life. He would ask for money, more money, and Marcus had no problem. He wanted to keep his Oliver happy at all costs.

Marcus gave his all to Oliver, he couldn't wrap his head around why Oliver had chosen him. Nonetheless, he was grateful for the opportunity. He was able to make himself whole.

His mind was constantly occupied with thoughts of Oliver Wood, he couldn't think of anything else. Oliver was his nourishment, his purpose.

"We should break up." Oliver appeared in his apartment. Marcus shook his head, tears forming.

"I gave you everything, why? I'll give you more if you want. I-I'll give you diamonds, I swear I'll buy us a big house! I-I can take you on all the vacations you could ever want!" Marcus quickly tried to find anything that would make Oliver stay with him.

"That's not it..." Oliver started, "This is goodbye" He gave Marcus an apologetic look as he made his way towards the door. Marcus pleaded, begged for Oliver to stay.

"Please! You can't do this to me! I gave you all that I had! Look at me! I have nothing now," Marcus continued

"You ungrateful asshole! All you are is because of me! You're nothing without me! I hate you!" Marcus balled his eyes out as Oliver closed the door, disappearing from his sight.

He crawled into a ball on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably as the rats in his room ran off. He pulled his hair aggressively and punched the floor to try and relieve his heartache.

He crawled to the restroom, grabbing a piece of broken glass. He stood in silence, panting.

The days went by slowly as Marcus sat on his mattress, staring at nothing. He was nothing without Oliver. He couldn't live anymore, his purpose was gone.

Marcus's body deteriorated on the mattress, Oliver's name carved into his left arm and holding an Oliver doll in his right hand.

The room was a mess, 'Oliver' covered the walls of his room, the name written and scratched into even the tiniest of corners. Marcus's fingers provided sufficient evidence that he had scratched Oliver's name onto his walls.

After all, Marcus was nothing.

A/N: Testing the waters with this one. I wanted to make one from Oliver's POV but I'm also not really digging this one shot. Just an idea I had.

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