Chapter 32 "Everything I could have been"

Start from the beginning

I fixed my eyes on Tristan, I have been staring at him since he entered the room but he was now busy staring at his sister. She was pissed because of that deep desire of him to want to protect her above everything, that desire that passed over everything and everyone and led him to cause storms, blackouts and black eyes. Tonight it just caused an empathetic look on his electric blue eyes.

"That's not fair, Chrystal." He stepped forward, getting close to his sister.

"Not fair?" Chrystal scoffed with a sarcastic laugh. "What is not fair is that woman trying to take away from me the only thing I have left from my deceased mother." I supposed Chrystal's eyes were crystallizing because of how her voice broke at the end but she just looked at her father. "You once told me mom insisted in me never taking the necklace off, what type of daughter would I be if I can't even do the only thing my mother has ever asked me to do?"

I looked at Mr. White and saw how his crossed arms relaxed as he gave a warm smile to his daughter but I also looked at Ethan, we gave each other the same look, we knew we were left over in this family issue however neither of us left.

"I can assure you your mother would be fine with it, Chrystal." Mr. White's eyes shone as brightly as his warm smile, the difference was that in his eyes there wasn't anything but nostalgia.

Chrystal smiled back at her father, her left hand was still holding that necklace, pressing it against her chest and her smile was visibly warm.

"You can't assure that." She used a firm tone before leaving aside all that peace her smile transmitted and gain a stern look. "If you want me to take it off you will have to tear it from my corpse."

I saw how she clenched her right fist close to her thigh, just when I was going to step in and try my best to convince my friend she would get over it, Tristan beat me to it. He reduced the distance between his sister and him with a long footstep until he could place his hand on Chrystal's shoulder with a caress, reassuring her.

"Chris... I know that necklace means the world to you and you feel safe when you wear it... but that necklace is yours, is part of Chrystal White not Ivy Bennett's." Tristan's voice was reassuring, I knew he was staring right into his sister's eyes, trying to convince her with sweet words...

Despiste that I couldn't help fixing my eyes on him too.

Chrystal took a deep breath, her right fist relaxed although she never took her left hand off her necklace, this time she caressed it instead of pressing it tightly against her chest.

"Nobody is asking you to break your promise Chrystal, you can continue to take the necklace with you but like a lucky charm instead. Carry it in your bag or pocket."

Chrystal let out a sigh after another deep breath, her left hand fell to her side, letting his necklace go, she nodded still staring at her brother, he hugged her right away though she remained motionless. While Tristan hugged his sister he rested his chin over her shoulder, it was then when our gazes met.

"Well done." I vocalized without making a sound for him to read my lips, not feeling like avoiding the smile that took over my lips.

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The following weeks went by faster than expected. The classes for virgin spies that hadn't flirted in their lives were better than I thought they would, it turns out teasing Wonder Boy was almost as funny as beating him up.

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