Rings of Love

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Her parents told her that it was in her blood. Juno was born to carry on the legacy of the clan. Her power wouldn't just extend to gray wolves like them, but every wolf that walked upon the earth. They would all look up to her: the successor. That was if she married the right person. Because even though she always called herself the successor in her mind, she would be relegated to the successor's wife. She didn't mind. She couldn't mind, so she waited for her future. But it seemed like her future didn't want to come.

Her parents started her training young. By the time she was sixteen, she knew how to sway hearts with a smile. She knew how to say what the world wanted to hear. Her parents were proud, and she languished in their praise. She and the clan waited anxiously for the day she would ascend to her rightful place.

Then, he appeared. A grey wolf by the name of Legosi came to the clan with his mother, Leano, and their komodo dragon servant, Gosha. It was just like the prophecies foretold, and she couldn't contain the excitement that coursed through her veins. They welcomed the trio in with open arms, treating them with the highest honor. They held back on mentioning the prophecy before the new residents settled in.

Juno was quick to introduce herself to the family. Legosi's silence and simple words threw her, but she hoped the reason behind his stoicism was shyness. Gosha was amicable, and she had no problem falling into easy conversation with him. He didn't act like any of the servants she had interacted with, but she wasn't offended by it. His friendliness and familiarity with Leano and Legosi helped her feel less out of place. Leano was quiet as well, wearing clothes that covered her body from the neck down. After the general pleasantries, the older wolf closed herself into her room.

Months into the family's stay, the clan broached the topic of the prophecy to them. Leano, who was usually subdued and vacant, sprung to life. She grinned at the future the clan showed her, telling them that she "had dreamt of this day."

Juno peered at Legosi, wanting to see his reaction to it all. To see if he felt as much pride in his role as she did hers. However, all she saw was shock followed by horror. Legosi quickly glanced in her direction, turning his head when he saw that she was looking straight at him. And then, the wolf went completely white. Leano and Gosha looked concerned to see him in his new fur shade. She felt a weight drop onto her shoulders, but she kept her back straight and her head held high. Even if he wasn't happy now, he would be. So, Juno walked to his side and curled their fingers together. She held up their clasped hands to the cheers of the clan, ignoring how Legosi's hand trembled.

Today, Juno was digging up a grave because tomorrow was their wedding. She was in the ancient burial grounds of her clan committing an act punishable by death. She wouldn't have been forced to do this if Legosi hadn't stopped looking like he was one second from running away with no return. Was marrying her so detestable? Hot tears stung her eyes at the thought. She sniffled and let them fall. She wasn't going to let his rejection stop her from her blood-born right. He had confessed to her one day that he didn't want to marry someone he didn't love. She didn't love him either, but at least she understood that they had their whole lives to learn how to love each other. Every single thing in her life had led to this moment, and she would be damned if she let him ruin it.

That's why she had turned to the legends for help. There had to be something that would help her. When she found the legend of the immortal lovers, she had been overjoyed. The story told of star-crossed lovers so afraid that they would be separated that they pleaded to the gods for help. Aioste, the god of love, was moved by their show of genuine and true affection, so she forged them magic rings to keep them together. The legend went on to say that whoever wore the rings would have Aioste's blessing as well, and nothing would be able to separate the wearers.

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