seven; freedom comes in all shapes

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"SEBASTIAN." Finns little voice called out in between the knocks, making Bash almost jump out of his skin, as lacing his book down - eyes glancing at the clock that sat comfortably on the wall next to his portrait of the King.

A whisper came from John next, followed by the rattling of the unlocked door handle.

It didn't take long before the two were stood by b front of their brother, eyes wide with surprise to see him standing inches away from them.

"We've been shoutin' for five minutes." John spoke first, a sheepish grin painted across his face.

It was very much plausible that they had been shouting for as long as they said, it wasn't uncommon for Bash to simply dive into a new world to escape his own.

The Great Gatsby had been such a good read, but cut short by his brothers, Bash would simply have to start again when he came back.


"You're sorry, you were too deep into the lives of whoever the fuck that book is about." John finished, a cheeky laugh from Finn followed.

The elder sheepishly grinned, ushering the two out of his room and down the stairs, knowing full well that Johns lip would get him into more trouble than what was worth...

But it did make him who he was - the cheeky chap with humour to share.

"Are you going to tell us all what's going on?" Arthur asked once he noticed the gaggle of brothers in the hallway.

Finn, still with a giggle behind his tone, nodded his head with such veracity if it wasn't firmly attached by skin and bone, it would've rolled onto the floor and underneath the cabinet.

"The fair!" The redhead exclaimed, bouncing in his place.

Bash should've known, Finn rarely got as giddy as he was. The idea of him being able to sit on the back of a Shetland - a breed of horse that the Shelbys had never owned, excited the boy to no end. Though, the idea of a simple game of hook-a-duck seemed to excite Bash more than anything.

There was something comforting in such a simple game such as that, one that he hadn't found in anything other than horses. Why, he couldn't quite put his finger on it but he definitely wasn't one to complain about it.

"But-" Ada started, about to display her disdain against going to such a place, full of ruffians and pick-pockets.

A glare followed, cutting Ada off from her almost tyrannical display of utter hatred of the place so many of them had once found immense joy. Deep down, Finn and the other boys knew that she just didn't want to appear childish with her glee for leaving the city to the fields - surrounding herself with Lees and the likes whilst having more fun than she could possibly have in the city.

"It's one day, Ada, one day." Thomas argued, though his tone remaining as it had been that morning at the table.

"Even I'm not complaining." Arthur added, puffing out his chest as if it added some sort of validity in his statement.

Of course, it didn't, but he would rather pretend it did.

"It's just one day of standing in horse shit, Bash does that every day - I don't!" She argued back, silenced for the final time by the aforementioned brother grabbing his coat.

The door never had opened very quietly, it was an old rickety thing that Bash and Arthur had both meant to replace with something less ... noisy, but hadn't yet gotten around to it. As with most of the small fixes that the family home was in need of.

Finn rushed outside, throwing all caution to the wind until one of the others grabbed him by the scuff of his shirt, pulling him back in just enough to throw a coat and hat on him. Ada took her sweet time, muttering to herself about all of the shit her new shoes would be smeared in and how they never do normal things together. For the Shelbys, the fair was the most normal thing they could've ever done.

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