seven; freedom comes in all shapes

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For a few weeks, Theodora had been doing everything in her power to stay away from the Shelby's as a whole. When Bash woke up every morning, she wasn't there, and when he went back to bed she - again - wasn't there.

She left no note, at all, although Bash wouldn't have done anything to pull her up and question her about it.

It was about time that she was leaving the house and actually becoming more confidant in being a new resident of Small Heath, but little did Bash know she was actually sneaking off to do exactly the opposite.

She left, most days, to travel back down to London- splitting her time between her parents house and the house of the man who she claimed to love, and who claimed to love her back.

"Where's the wife today, brother?" Arthur teased, jabbing an elbow into his younger brothers side.

Of course, this earned him such a glare, but as Arthur was the sort of person to ignore what his brothers did, he simply just brushed it off with a laugh whilst simultaneously wrapping an arm around his shoulder.

"Out of my hair, that's all I care about." Ada added quite nonchalantly into a conversation that wasn't hers to butt into.

Before Ada could start another conversation about Bash's wife, or rather the person who took up more space than she should in their lives, Finn popped his head up from under the table and his cheesy grin quickly lightened the mood.

"She's gone down to see someone about something important. She didn't elaborate and I didn't ask." Bash interjected into the almost silent nattering between John and Ada.

Without the likes of Finn, Bash was sure he would've committed such a crime that the Peaky Blinders couldn't possibly pin it on another. There was something about them all in the same room that made Bash and Ada heated. Perhaps it was because they were too alike in how they acted, or it was just a constant coincidence.

"Can we do something as the six of us, today? Please, please, pleeeeeeaseeee!" Finn whined, and no one could ever say no to the boy.

No matter how hard they tried.

"I've the day off work-" Arthur lied, the betting shop would just have to be without a Shelby today.

A short, fleeting moment of silence passed through the kitchen before the next sibling thought about and followed through with the idea of agreeing.

"I'm sure I can manage a day-" Thomas added, a small (seemingly forced but still vaguely real) smile graced his features.

Since Ada was the only one of age without a job, she didn't have an excuse as to why she couldn't spend time with anyone, and John was always grateful for any excuse for a few hours away from the wildlings he called his own children.

Almost silent chatter fell upon them, the few whispers of the likes of Finn and Thomas were barely audible - Bash was sure they were intensely planning their day ahead but not above the mouses whisper of a tone. They knew their brothers didn't enjoy surprises but they knew that Ada adored them - to a point, of course.

Thomas gave a few instructions to the younger of the siblings, footwear and jackets to be worn and perhaps gloves if needs be.

The gloves part of the attire was purely aimed at Finn, who was one to complain when he thought his fingers were going to fall off because they were cold.

Unbeknownst to the middle Shelby, too long for Finns liking had passed, but Bash hadn't realised. At least, not until the heard of angry elephants - Finn and John, came hurtling towards his door, fists rapping against the door again and again in such a repetitive motion that it could've been classed as music.

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