one; remember, remember

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Remember, Remember, the Fifth of November- for gunpowder, treason and plot

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Remember, Remember, the Fifth of November- for gunpowder, treason and plot.

To this day, the little town of Small Heath burned effigies of Guy Fawkes, set off fireworks to remember his failed plot- but for the Shelby family, it was a day dedicated to Sebastian Shelby.

Though- Bash had always hated the idea of watching bonfires from so close that he could feel it on his face, he usually went along with whatever activities his older brothers had made- even on his own birthday.

Sometimes, he'd ask his younger brother John, or his sister Ada if they had anything they wanted to do- but usually they always said whatever he wanted. Finn, he wasn't old enough to reply whenever Bash had asked, so Thomas took the initiative and told his siblings that they'd watch the fireworks from the hill near the Cut, followed by pickpocketing the drunkards near the bonfires.

"Bash, c'mon! You're old enough to make your own decisions about your own damn birthday." Ada, the aforementioned younger sister called out from the kitchen.

Birthday talks always caused Bash to run as far away as humanly possible in such a small house.

He hated the fact that he was ageing, though quite nicely his aunt Polly would always add, the idea of being one step closer to his demise really filled his stomach with guilt. Guilt for not spending enough time with his mother, god rest her soul, guilt for not going fishing with his father - though it was Arthur Shelby, his plans were never what someone truly wanted to go through with.

"Can't we just do what we do every year?"

Ada scoffed as she watched her older brother walk into the room so painfully casually, as if they weren't trying to make plans for his big birthday. A birthday he didn't even want plans for.

"No, we can't! Every year, we sit by the bonfire and watch fireworks- every year Bash! It's boring!" John piped up, a cup of tea in hand.

Arthur sat relatively silently within his seat, watching as the younger three siblings - Finn included, squabble over something that hasn't so much as changed in the last twenty years. It was humorous to the older two siblings, watching them argue but Arthur knew Sebastian would just go along with the majority, he always did have to be the peace keeper amongst the family...

Until his own peace couldn't be kept, then he was more like a firing squad with no morals.

"You don't see Finn complaining!" Sebastian finally chimed in to the conversation, literally pointing to Finn who was just shouting words that made no sense what so ever.

Ada, once again, audibly scoffed- hitting Bash on the arm with the newspaper she had been rolling up since the conversation had started.

"He's not even six yet!"
"Yeah, and?!"

"Alright, alright, that's enough now." The mediator, Thomas, finally stepped in.

If he hadn't noticed Sebastian's anger becoming external rather than its usual internal, he probably would've let them continue until they were blue in the face but for the sake of peace in the house, he didn't allow it to go any further, or for any tears to fall.

"If you don't want to do anything extra for your big twentieth birthday, we don't have to, alright?" Arthur whispered to Bash, who nodded his head silently.

'It's just another decade older,' Sebastian thought to himself, plastering on a small but ever so fake smile onto his face.

Arthur being Arthur spotted it's forgery the second the corners of his mouths started to rise, but he didn't say anything. The two had one of the stronger bonds between the siblings, but it was subtle. Polly was the first to notice how they'd both gravitate towards each other during the time they'd play football outside of their Watery Lane house, or how Arthur would run towards a crying younger Sebastian but the minute he got there, the younger would cease crying and laugh because Arthur Senior had always drilled into their heads that -

'Big boys do not cry'

Of course that was factually incorrect, big boys did in fact cry, but the fear that their father installed in them was something they just couldn't shake off overnight.

That man was full of really helpful information that the boys would hopefully never input into their daily lives whenever they decide to get married but at least he did ... something in the incredibly loose terms of raising his six children.

"— we can't just watch the shit fireworks again, Tom, he doesn't even bloody like 'em." John whispered to his older brother, arms folded across his chest; almost mimicking the stance the others had.

"Well, has he told you he don't even like 'em?" Tommy asked John almost instantaneously after the reddish blonde had finished what he was saying.

John shrugged, Bash had never outwardly expressed his dislike for the fireworks, other than constantly mentioning how irritatingly cold it was. In fact, bash hadn't outwardly expressed very many of his emotions, thoughts and feelings over the matter, everyone else was just picking up on the red herring clues he was leaving as he spoke.

For a moment, and only a brief- fleeting moment, the house was still. No one spoke, the clock didn't tick or chime- nothing could be heard.

Until Sebastian exhaled strongly, heads turned towards the door where he rested upon the frame, hands firmly in his pockets. No one had noticed him walking out, putting on his winter coat and his thick shoes.

"Well, are you lot getting ready or am I going to the Garrison alone this year?"

Finn ran off, quickly followed by John who was just as confused as he woke up that morning.

Ada stood still, head tilted to the side- eyebrow raised in an almost judging manner before she took a silent step forward.

"What are we doing at the Garrison?" She questioned, poking an accusing finger against Bash's chest, pushing him ever so slightly.

He stood there, mimicking his little sisters mannerisms, though this time his face was painted upon with a genuine smile- or smirk, it really depended on how you looked at it. Ada hated the silence but she knew he was just messing with her head, making her think things before hitting her with what he was really going to say and or do.

Then, just when Ada was expecting a scowl to replace his smile, Bash began to laugh. It wasn't one of those laughs people heard very often, either- it was lighthearted and full of air, making even Ada herself feel a little bit lighter.

"Fuckin' anything but watching them fucking fireworks."

I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.

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