Chapter 1

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It's just another June day in the Royal infirmary in Edinburgh. The sun out, a mild north breeze floated through the city. There was a glint of hope within the sweet summer air.


"And that's it, your all bandaged up. Now promise me you won't forget your pads and helmet next time you skate." Y/n asked one of the regular patients Sky. " I promise Y/n, but also it's SO fun without them. I skate faster, I Swear!" Sky spoke with a smirk." Mmhm." hummed hinting with sarcasm." Okay now get out of my hospital trouble, I've got real patients to see." Y/n shooed the teen out of her room, giggling to themselves.

Y/n made their way out of the room into the main hall of the hospital. "Oh hey Y/n, I just got a call that there's and emergency patient coming in now, female, possible leg fracture. Fell from about 10ft, luckily was in a harness so no other injuries." Julie the senior A&E consultant told Y/n. "Okay I'll get a bed ready and a few extra hands just incase, thanks Julie!" Y/n returned with a nod.

Around 10 minutes later the paramedics flew throught the casualty room doors, with a woman on a stretcher. Once they put her in place I closed the curtain." Female, 27, possible tibial shaft fracture, fell 10ft with a harness, just check for any head trauma." Eric (paramedic) spoke. "Thank you people. I'll have a look now" Y/n said as they others dismissed themselves. " Hello I'm Doctor Butler, first things first whats your name madam?". " Elizabeth, my names Elizabeth!" the woman spoke between sharp breaths. "Okay Elizabeth, I'm just going to have a look at you leg, just try and keep as still as possible for me." Y/n reassured calmly with a small smile. Y/n applied a slight amount of pressure to Elizabeth's lower leg "Aaaahhh! Ooooww!" Elizabeth shouted in agony. "I'm so sorry Elizabeth, team can I have 5mg of morphine please. Elizabeth are you allowed to have morphine. Do you have any previous problems with pain medication?" Y/n asked Elizabeth. "Yes I can have Morphine, and no I dont have and problems wiith pain medication,
. Thank you." Elizabeth quickly said. "Okay start a drip and lets get Elizabeth some morphine please. Elizabeth I'm just going to move your leg so that we can get it into a cast" Y/n informed Elizabeth, as the morphine had set in, Y/n twisted Elizabeth's leg into place as the others in their team applied the cast to Elizabeth's leg.

"And we're all done Elizabeth your leg is in a cast. We're gonna get you in for an x-ray in about 20 minutes to see how the bone is. Normally a fracture of this size takes about 6 yo 8 weeks to fix itself. Is there anyone you would like us to call for you?" Y/n informed Elizabeth with a reassuring smile and gentle tone." Could you call my friend, here's her number and just tell her I'm okay now? " the brunette questioned." Absolutely" Y/n spoke.

Time skip to an hour later

Y/n entered the room and opened the curtain revealing Elizabeth asleep and her friend Scarlett sat in the chair next to her. "Hey I was just coming to tell Elizabeth that here bone is in the correct place now and that were going to have to keep her in for a few days just to see how she gets on." Y/n notified Scarlett, who nodded and thanked the doctor.

About 40 minutes later Elizabeth woke up, in slight pain but very minimal." Hey Lizzie, everything's cool, your legs fixed and they're gonna keep you in for a few days to watch how you are." Scarlett told Lizzie in a quiet tone. "Okay, thank you for coming Scarlett, I appreciate it." Lizzie quietly returned. "Hey its all good, also when we're you gonna tell me about your Doctor. Doctor "Butler" more like Doctor Sexy, and you just expect me to leave you here. What about sharing Lizzie?" Scarlett questioned Lizzie laughing. "Heeey you can't say that they're right there, and also they're MY Doctor Scar." Lizzie defended. " All I'm saying is you're single and I would totally hit that!" Scar spoke a little over normal volume causing Lizzie to blush. Lizzie glanced at Y/n agreeing with Scarlett internally that Doctor Butler was very attractive.

Hey peeps

I'm finally back I know. Sorry for that long wait.

Anywya here the first chapter to this new book.

Luv ya

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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