Chp 4. At Least I Have Him<3.

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[Tw: selfharm discovery metioned]

[CW: Rinny]

I wake up in a cold sweat, stupid nightmares, I get up and look at my arms.

Shit...they bled through and onto my,now bloodstained, bed sheets..fucking hell...

I sit up and throw the blanket over it.

"That's should cover it.." I mumble to myself.

I re-bandge my arm and get ready for school. At least I have Robin there.

I grab a sharpener and a knife, using the knife to unscrew the blade then putting it in my pocket. I grab my bag and leave, waiting for gwen, dad doesnt let me walk anywhere alone anymore, i dont mind, i hate being alone now..


I walk though the halls, eyes still percing threw me except Robin, he looks at me with soft caring eyes, the way I wish everyone looked at me. The way everyone should look at me. I stand with Robin and we start walking.

I'm the same boy from before I was taken. Right? I mean yes I'm more jumpy and hate being touched randomly without noticing, I can't be hugged from behind but I'm still the same, and yeah I cry easily and get more panicky than normal and I..killed someone but...I'm still me..I'm still the same finney Blake right?

I was snapped out of my thought from a comforting voice.

"Finn? Finn? Are you okay buddy?" Said ???

I zone back in, its Robin god i completly forgot i was with him.

"Huh? Oh ..sorry Robin" I say smiling at him.

"You alright? You were spaced out for a while there." He said with concern.

"..." I pause, I mean I ask, he might give me some reassurance. "Robin am I still the same."

"What do u man buddy?" He asks confused.

"Am I still the same Finney Blake from before I was kidnapped?..."

He stops in his tracks and looks at me, his face dead serious.

I get scared, did I anger him shit I shouldn't have said anything-

"Fin..." I look at him, his face melted into that amazing smile with his comforting eyes. "Whatever happened to you down in that basement did not change you, yes, you act differently and get more jumpy, but what you went through was traumatic. Anyone can see that. So yes, Finney, you are still the same Finney Blake, and always will be, okay?"

My eyes begin to water and tears soon fall, God this man is amazing with words, I collapse into his chest sobbing, causing some to stare but Robin just stares back at them with a glares causing them to fuck off, he pulls me more into him and strokes my hair, I hear slight comforting words: "sh...its okay, your going to be fine it's going to be'll be here for you"

I feel my face heat up and i start to blush, wait..blush!? What.. why? Its robin, maybe it because I'm crying, I guess so, my head isn't good right not, my mindset isn't good.


God...that horrid man..I'm glad that hijo de puta is dead. I can't help but feel myself go red, wait what?.. red as in blush?..that's strange, I normally only feel that with mean, Finns head on my chest does feel right.

He gets off, sniffling and wiping his eyes "I'm sorry Robin..." He apologises, but all i cant do its just stare at him. He's red aswell, I mean he was just crying so it's probably just that, I shouldn't over think it.

I look at him as he wipes his eyes,his sleeve rolling up a bit and i can see poorly bandged...cuts on his arm? Did he get injured..?

"Hey..finn..uhm whats that?" I say pointing at his arm. "Did you get injured?.."

He freezes and puts his arm down, shying away from me.

"It's nothin.." He mumbled, "I fell over onto some glass on my way to school, but I was running late so I had to bandge it while walking to school." He said.

I don't belive him but..the only thing I do belive, I wish wasnt true and that is..

Is that he did it to himself...

(I'm done!!! I did it!!!!!!!)
(Hope you enjoyed!!!)

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