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It was the next day and so far the day has been going great. So far loving my classes even though I only have three and their in the morning. So, right now I'm sitting down at a table in the quad doing some class work. I was so focus and in the zone on my work that I didn't sense the golf ball heading for my head until it hit me.
I look around to see two idiots with golf clubs and swinging them around freely. I walked over being pissed off at the both feel of them.
"HEY" I yelled grabbing both of their attention "Which one of you assholes threw this golf ball at me?" I asked them showing them the ball
"Ah that was my boy Boone over here" The one with the hat said. My eyes went to him
"Do you not have a care in the world for other people around you? Honestly, you can actually kill someone but yet from how you are standing you don't give to shits about it." I say crossing my arms off my chest
"Sweetheart-" he says but I cut him off
"Don't. Call. Me. Sweetheart. You. Dick" I say throwing the golf ball at his chest, making him stumble backwards.
"Sorry but your head got in the way off my golf ball" he said fist bumping the other dumb ass
"So, your seriously not going to apologize for you and your friend being idiotic?" I asked
"My man here shouldn't have to." He said. I was about to say something but another voice came up to us
"CHAD" a female voice yelled
"Oh my god" Boone muttered and bent his head down

"Chanel, no" Chad said to her has she made it towards us and she looked very upset. I kind of feel bad for her, key words 'kind of'. 

"Look I don't know what to tell you Chanel. If Kappa's suddenly filled with weirdos and fatties, there is no way you can be popular, and I need you to stay popular. Cause if you wanna stay at the top of the list of pieces of ass I'm getting, there's criteria and the criteria is you gotta stay popular" Chad tells her. I knew for a fact Chanel was rolling her eyes even though she had sunglasses on. She looked away from Chad to look at me and her mouth dropped 

"You. Aren't pledging KKT?" She asked me 

"Yeah, so?" I questioned her. She ignored my question and looked back at Chad 

"See, not all of them are fat and ugly. She's is skinny and pretty" Chanel says pointing to me which made Chad and Boone to look at me. 

"What's her name, Chanel?" Boone asked her. Chanel crossed her arms along her chest and looked away from us three 

"I don't know something Cinder-" She began to say but I cut her off 

"It's Ariella" I tell her giving her a glare. 'Beautiful name' I heard Boone whisper under is breath for no one to hear but I did 

"Whatever" Chanel says throwing her hands in the air out of annoyance. This conversation is actually starting to bore me and I'm about 5 seconds away from ripping Chanel's head off her body because how whiny and bitchy she is being right now. 

"Yeah, I'm leaving now" I say and turn towards Boone and walk closer to him "Next time I would be extra careful" I added and walked away 

I continued walking for another hour until I found this coffee shop. I could use a coffee right now. As I was standing in line I felt someone tap me on the shoulder from behind. I turned around to see one of the girls from the house last night. 

"Hey Ariella" She says giving off a friendly smile 

"Hey. Grace, right?" I asked her. She gave her nod in response and moved right next to me and in a very sad and cruel thing, Chanel was right in front of us with the maid of KKT house. She kept going on and on about the house and the girls which just made me roll my eyes and Grace did the same thing when Chanel started to yell and than moved to the other side of the coffee store. 

"Hi, welcome to The Grind" He says but stops when he sees Grace and to him it's like time has frozen "What can I get for you both?" He asked 

"Two Spiece Pumkin Lattes" Grace tells him 

"But we want it freezing" I say joking. Grace starts to laugh and so does he "I'm kidding. I'll just take a black coffee with some Hazel Nut creamer. Name is Ariella" I say and take out a 10 and hand it to Grace telling her it's on me and than walked to the other side of the coffee shop to get my coffee while Grace talked to the guy, well more like flirting with the guy. After I get my coffee I made it outside and around the corner until someone bump right into me, making me spill my coffee. 

"I'm so sorry" A male voice says. I looked up to see that it was Boone "On second thought I'm not sorry for how rude you were earlier" He says giving me a playful glare 

"Oh, really? I was rude? Me? Your the one that hit me your golf ball" I say glaring back 

"And you threw it back at me and called me names as well" He says 

"Because you hit me with a golf ball" I say and he starts to laugh 

"I know. And I'm actually really really sorry about that. Actually I'm sorry about the whole thing back there and I'm sorry for bumping into which made you spill your coffee" He says and I could tell he was telling me the truth by the sound of his heart beat

"You are forgiven" I say 

"Good. So, how about I buy you another coffee or maybe take you out sometime?" He asked and scratch the back of his neck all nervous like. I could hear his heart start to pick up so I could tell he was nervous. He is cute like really cute, actually cross that off. He's hot and he did apologize for the whole thing. 

"Sure, I would like that" I say. Once those words leave my mouth a smile appears of his face which made me smile as well

"Great. How's tomorrow 5?" He asked

"Sounds perfect" I say and we exchange numbers and said our goodbyes  

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