Part 2

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* Many years before *

Under the beautiful Opera House, a man was walking. He was looking at the ruins of his beautiful opera house. His Opera Populaire. Damn that man. Damn her! If she just had chosen him, and not that fool, none of this would have happened. She wouldn't have left. She wouldn't be hating him now. Oh Christine.. The thought of his beloved sended him chills down his spine. He had loved her so much, it had hurted. Oh how he wished, she would have been his by now. Hold her in his arms. Look into her beautiful eyes. Kiss her soft lips. He shook his head and turned away from the ruins. How could he live without her? How was he ever going to enjoy music again, without her by his side and her beautiful voice in his ears. He might aswell just end it. Make an end to it all. But no.. He was going to proof them wrong. He would be back. Stronger and more powerful then ever! The world would again fear the great Phantom Of the Opera!


Jacqueline and me were sitting in the great Opera Populaire, waiting for our audition to begin. We had been practising like crazy, day and night, until our fingers almost fell off. We wanted this so bad. Some people at the opera house was collecting young people to stay and live here for some time, at do a huge perfomance. They needed dancers, actors, singers and of course, musicians like me and Jacqueline. With our instruments unpacked and our notes in our hands, we walked on the stage and sat down on the chairs they had placed for us. Jacqueline took a deep breath, smiled and introduces us in french. Of course, everuthing here was in french. I understood a few words. She mentioned something with 'from England' and 'not speaking french'. They just nodded, and waited for us to play. We quickly putted our notes on the notestander, checked if we were in tune, and then, we began playing. We placed our bows on the strings between the bridge and the fingerboard, and carefully begings to stroke my bow over the strings. Jacqueline did the same, and the harmony of our notes matched perfecly together.


Music. I could hear music. I could hear my music. Even though I was way below the Opera Populaire, I could still hear everuthing that was played above. Every tune, every note, every piece, everything. And the music I was hearing right now pleased me. It pleased me a lot. I could tell it was a cello and a violin. The sounded beautiful together. I listened closely, and now I could hear what they were playing. A duet version of 'The Phantom Of the Opera'. This made me smile. They were playing my song. Anf now you might think. 'Wait, wasn't it Andrew Lloyd Webber who wrote that?' No.. I gave him my music, so my story could be showed to the world. I wanted to make the world be terrified of the though, of a phantom living in the dunches in the Opera Populaire. But it didn't really go the way that I planned. The fool to Webber made it more of a love story, then a terrifing messege. What a fool. If it wasn't because he was such a great artist, I would have get rid of him. But, I didn't. It would have been a shame. He has a nice talent.

A young Webber had visited the great Opera Populair, curious if the stories he had heard was true. Gaston Leroux. Was he actually speaking the truth?
A man, masked, living beneath the Paris Opera? It seemed impossible. But still.

How, he did not know, but after cutting himself away from the tour group, he had found a way into the secret passages of the Opera House.
Following nothing but darkness, he entered his lair. And he was discovered himself. Pinned to the wall, he fought for his life, begged him to spear it. The Phantom had recognized his face, letting him go. Admiring his work, he let him live, on one condition. He needed his story out. He needed the people to know.
Soon, a masterpiece had been created, leaving people with hope. Hope that a masked man indeed was living beneath the grand halls of the Opera Populair.

The song ended and a few applauses could be heard. In my head, I was applausing too. I needed to know who had played that wonderful music. I just needed to.


Me and Jacqueline ended the duet and the last note was still floting in the air, when our bows lifted from the strings. The judges-thingys gave us a little applause. They were smiling a bit, so they must have been pleased with our playing. We thanked them, took our stuff and got out of the stage. We looked at eachother, gave out a little happy scream and hugged eachother.

"We did it!" Jacqueline said happy and jumped a bit up and down. She was really nervous this morning. I'm so glad it turned out just as perfect as it did.

"It's over! We did it! OMG, you sounded wonderful, Jackie!" I told her, but she just waved her hand at me, and rolled her eyes.

"Pff, please. YOU sounded AMAZING! Sacre Bleu!" Her french again. I just laughed. Together we packed our instruments together, and went back to the school. We had done our part now. Now it was up to the judges, if we were going to be at the Opera Populaire.

And to our luck, not long after our audition, we got answers.

"Julie! Julie, hold on! STOP!"

Jacqueline's voice came from behind me, so I turned around to face her, almost knocking people over with my cello, which I was carrying on my back. She was trying to get through the many students in the hall, waving her hand, so I could see her.

"Jules, we did it! We did it!" She got to me, waving a piece of paper right in my face, gasping for air and with wide, opened eyes. Her look was exited, and she had a big smile on her face.

"We did what?" I asked her, and took the paper away from her, as it really annoyed me. I hated when people stuck stuff right up in my face. Bad memories from an old cello teacher. He always stuck the notes right up in my face, when I played a note wrong. Like that was going to help..

"We got in, silly! Jules, we are going to the Opera Populair!"

As I realized what had happened, my eyes came just as widened as Jaqueline's, and I looked shocked at her. A bigger smile grew on her face and began to jump up and down. Soon, I joined her, and together we were jumping around in the school halls, looking like complete idiots!

"Sacrebleu, we did it!" Jaqueline then squeeked and giggled a little. I just sighed in relief. I then looked down at the paper in my hand, but of course, it was in french.

"Read it, read it!" I stuck the paper in Jaquelines face, and she took it out of my hand, shaking it a little, to smoothen it out, so it was easier to read. She coughed a single time, took a deep breath, before she started reading out loud:

"Dear Mademoiselle Jacqueline De Lamonde and Mademoiselle Julie Christine Carter.." she began. "It is a great pleasure to inform you, that chosen you have been to play, perform and experience the great Opera Populair."

"It's 'you have been chosen', sweety." I said to her.

"Huh?" She layed her head a little to the side, gave me a confuesed look and looked down at the paper again.

"You said chosen you have been. It's 'you have been chosen'." I giggled a little bit.

" Oh, vissez!" Jaqueline just threw both of her arms out, and started to walk away from me,as she gave up on reading the letter. Again, english is not her mother language.

"Jackie? Jackie, where are you going? Jaqueline!" I started to follow her, but she just kept on going down the hall, not caring for me. I smiled a bit and shook my head. She really had a temper.

"Jackie, let me hear til rest!" I tried to run a little with my cello on my back, but it wasn't easy. I followed Jaqueline to our room, where she finally read the rest of the letter.

That was it. I was going to the Opera Popuilare

My Maestro - A Phantom Of The Opera Fanfiction | UNDER RECONSTRUCTION! |Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang