Chapter 2

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"Your grandmother declared that in order to keep the ranch from going to the county, you will have to live together for six months," Mr. Williamson said calmly.

"That's BULLSHIT!" Alice shouted as she shook her head. "You're lying, NO!"

"Alice please," Owen said standing.

"DO NOT SPEAK TO ME BLACKBOURNE!" She turned her fury on him. "This is all your fault!" She turned back to the lawyer and took a deep breath clenching and unclenching her fists, "I have a life away from here. What about my house? My career? I can't just uproot my life!"

"I'm sorry, Miss," he shook his head, "it's what your grandmother ordered in her will. If you do not agree, then the ranch will be sold to the county."

"Don't lie to me," She glared at him. "You mean if I don't uproot my life and agree to this, then the ranch will go to HIM."

"You certainly are perceptive, but I wouldn't have expected any less from you."

Alice turned to the voice behind her and inhaled sharply as she spotted the man leaning against the doorframe in his expensive suit with a cocky smirk on his face as he twirled a coin between his fingers. His whole aura screamed arrogance and she wanted nothing more than to smack it off his face.

"You son of a –"

"Eh eh eh," he tsked, "don't speak ill of your grandmother, little girl."

"Shut your fucking mouth, you asshole," she glared as he pushed off the frame and stood in front of her.

"Nice to see you again after all these years, daughter of mine," he smirked.

"You are not my father, get that straight right now," She seethed, "and it'll be a cold day in hell before I let you take the ranch from me."

"We will just see about that," he chuckled arrogantly before sitting down in the chair directly across from the lawyer and crossed his legs so casually that everyone knew he could care less that there was so much hatred towards him. "So what did my dear old mother leave me?"

Mr. Williamson cleared his throat and looked down at the papers in his hand. "For my son, Scott, I leave nothing but his memories. He showed no care towards his parents or his daughter, Alice, his money was more important than family so he can keep his money and disown his family like he has while I was alive. If he tries to dispute this, than I order Alice to hand over the evidence where Scott willingly admits that he disowns Alice and could care less if I leave everything in my possession to her and he wants nothing but to be free of this family. He got his wish, he gets nothing from me."

"Very well," Scott says calmly while he strokes his salt and pepper goatee before standing. He turns to Alice and stares at her for a few moments before leaving the office.

"Miss?" Mr. Williamson asked after a few moments of silence.

"Yes?" She asked as she tried to calm herself down.

"Will you be staying then?" he asked nervously.

She cleared her throat and gripped the sides of her shirt while the men held their breath awaiting her answer. "It seems I have no choice. I'd rather die before I let that man destroy everything my grandparents worked so hard to create."

"Thank you," Luke said softly.

"Don't thank me," She glared at him, "this is now the second time you've ruined my life. I hate all of you." She turned back to the lawyer, "What happens after 6 months?"

"Excuse me?" he asked.

"You said we have to live together for six months," She huffed. "What happens after six months?"

"Then you will be able to buy each other out if you want," he explained. "You can also leave the property without risk of losing it."

"Fine," she nodded, "anything else? I need to start figuring things out."

He went through the rest of the will then handed her a copy of the will. Alice quickly left and raced to her car. She needed to leave.

"Alice please wait!"

She tensed as his voice filled with hurt from behind her. She dropped her keys and cursed under her breath as she knelt to pick them up, trying to ignore the man's voice. Just as her fingers wrapped around the keys, rough warm fingers wrapped around her fingers. "Let go," she gasped as she tried to yank her hand free but the grasp tightened.

"Please Alice," her eyes closed to prevent seeing his dark eyes looking at her. "I just wanted to say thank you for doing this. I know it must be hard for you—"

"Hard for me, Silas Korba?" She fumed opening her eyes to glare at him. She shoved him, making him fall back on his ass. "You know NOTHING! This is now the second time I have to completely change my life around for all of you! Leave me the fuck alone!" Just then her phone began ringing and she sighed in relief upon the name on the caller id. "OH Thank fuck!" She sighed as she yanked her door open and got in, starting the car. "I need you, Jackson."

A rough voice came through the speakers, "I'm on my way, Sugar."

She slammed her car shut, blatantly ignoring the stares as she drove away.

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