•Part 10•

333 10 24

Poland POV

I sat down beside Niemcy I could see he was suprised to see me. I mean I'm suprised that I'm here too soo...

Polska : hey... Erm... I-im sorry I just didn't... I mean... You know it just -

Niemcy: don't be sorry I know that's what you think I can't change it...

Polska : No I don't really mean it I just said it because that's all I had against you.... I'm very sorry...

Niemcy: i-its f-fine thank you for A-apoligizing at least...

Polska : I'm really sorry

I don't know what got into me but I decided to hug him I just felt like he needed it. And sure enough a second later he hugged me back. I don't know what I felt but I felt so safe when I was hugging him the feeling like I'm being loved.

Then I opened my eyes and remembered who I was hugging. I noticed that he wanted to sleep so I got ready to leave and close the door. When I then went to my room and started to think about what I felt there when I was with him.

I decided to change into my sleeping outfit a top with some pants and go to sleep. But when I lay down there was only one thing I could think about...

The feeling that Niemcy left me with that night I didn't know what it was but I wanted to feel it again.

//next day//

Germany POV

I woke up this morning and looked at the time 5:40 as usual. I then remembered last night when Polen came up to me and apologized I think she actually meant it after that hug I think she did for sure. I'm 100% sure that she meant it otherwise she would of stayed outside of my door scared.

Anyways I got up and went to my wardrobe to pick out a new outfit for the day. Hmmm.... I think I'll wear..

A back T-shirt and greyish trousers. That should do it it's hot today anyways so I hope this won't be at me up. I mean at least it shouldn't. I think I should go and make some food but many also I should go and check up on Polen to make sure she is fine. I must admit I did go kinda harsh on her when she escaped with Rosja and her to her friends with out telling me but hey if you were me you would also be worried to death if you didn't know the real reason behind this.

I got out of my room and closed my door. I decided to peak into Polen room to see if she was still asleep. I went up to her bed and looked at her she looks so cute and sweet also the smell of her mmmm...

I better get going befour she wakes up or it would be wired as hell if she saw me in front of her face like this. I got out of her room and closed the door. I think I should make some breakfast for us.

I must admit it is kinda weird likeing my bosses sister but hey if you know the feeling I'm having for her right now you could bearly resist not telling her that you like her. But she is so damn fine that I can't stop thinking about her especially after yesterday when she hugged me the feeling I felt I wanted her to stay but she left. If only I might of have pulled her by the wrist but no I'm not risking it.

I heard someone going down the stairs must be her. I looked and saw her standing and walking my way with a green jumper and a black skirt. She came up to me and started to take to me in a sleepy voice.

the Enemie [GermanyXpoland (fem.pol)]Where stories live. Discover now