Dr Romen

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Dr Romen sat down in his black spinny chair at his brown oak wood polished desk. "Good afternoon kyle" Dr Romen sat up straight in his chair. "Good afternoon Dr Romen" kyle sat down in the dark purple arm chair facing Dr Romen. "So how would you like to start today? Any new news you would like to share?" He put his both hands on his desk holding them together. Kyle gladly shook his head. "Well me and Matt finished school for the summer yesterday" Mr Romen smiled. "We're also going to Heathrow Kitchen later on tonight for a treat" Dr Romen gave a pleased nod. "Seems like a great family event. I should bring my son their sometime in the future" Mr Romen had a son the same age as Kyle. Kyle had rarely ever heard about his son but when he did he was fascinated on how many things they had in common. They both enjoyed the same hobbies except the cooking bit Dr Romen had always told Kyle that his son would never touch the stove as his son thought something might happen. Kyle wondered sometimes if he could ever meet Dr Romen's son as he thought they would have so much in common they would be friends. But that was just his fantasy of having more than two friends. Besides, it would be weird befriending your therapist's son. Dr Romen broke Kyle's rambling thoughts. "We still have about five minutes left or this session" kyle looked confused. "I thought this session was supposed to be and hour?" Mr Romen took out a black case from under his desk. "I had a chat with your mother earlier on. She discussed you should take a break for a while. Also gives me a bit of time to spend time with my boy. I promised him I would take him and our family friends out for some legal fireworks in the town next week" he shoved his chair in a bit more. "And I also think it's a great idea for you to have a break at it too you know spend more time with Family" It wasn't a type of thing Kyle had thought about often. The last time he had ever really spent time with his family was at dinner yesterday and Sam's funeral then everything spireld downhill from there.

The clock struck one and Mr Romen and rose up from his desk and grabbed his black case. Kyle got up from the dark purple chair following Mr Romen.
"After you Mr Eastwood" Mr Romen held opend the door and jesterd is hands out. Kyle walked out and Mr Romen followed out. Walking up to Mrs Eastwood and Matt who where still sitting down in the row of blue leather chairs.
"Mrs Eastwood, Matt" both Mrs Eastwood and Matt stood up. "Mr Romen. How are you and Hunter doing?"
"Where good, thank you Hunter is just finding his way around town"
Mrs Eastwood threw her purse around her arm. "Well maby sometime Kyle can show him around the town over the summer" she patted Kyle on the head.
"That would be a great idea!"
Kyle was surprised of Mr Romen's response.
"Well of course if Kyle doesn't mind"
Kyle thought for a moment. It was now his chance to make a new friend while also actually doing something different in his life. "Sure! I Don't mind. Would keep us both out of the house" he gave a small laugh. Mr Romen smiled. "He'll be pleased to know he can have someone to relie on"
Matt's phone beeped. "Ma I've gotta get going or I'll be late" Mrs Eastwood nodded. "Right, well it was nice seeing you again Mr Romen, tell Hunter we said hello and where exited to meet him"
"I will do so"
And with that the three headed out and back into the car where they dropped Matt of to hokey practice down Tibet Lane.
Kyle and his mother stayed to watch matt get hammerd on the ice as Betty Liveth one of Kyle's class mates bet him.
It really wasn't uncommon for this to happen it was a usual thing that happened for Matt. Betty absolutely was ruthless when it came to him she never liked him and probably never will.
"Watch yourself Eastwood" she was shoulder to shoulder with Matt taunting him as usual. But Kyle couldn't blame her as he was a pain sometimes and to her all the time. She shoved Matt to the ice while Betty dashed of with the puck.
Scoring it into the goal.
"Where on the same team Betts!"
Matt stayed plonked on the ice robbing his shoulder.
"I know Eastwood" she said as she turned to the glass door leading to the benchs. Matt picked himself up and headed off to the bench too.
By now it was six so after Matt headed to the showers he got changed. All three headed back home to pick up Mr Eastwood and off they went to Heathrow Kitchen for the evening.
"A sore loser needs a dinner to fill that hole in their elbow"
"Shut up Kyle!"

Who's in the kitchen?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon