Chilli pot

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Hours passed by And Kyle was still in the kitchen preparing. He lay the plates on the wood polished table with the the forks he had washed. He lay each plate down and came back around to put a scoop of chilli each on everyone's plate. Top off with a side of veg and chicken. It was six and Kyle's father, mother and older brother came into the kitchen. All four took a seat at the table and dug into their meals. Mr Eastwood made conversation at the dinner table. "Did you hear about Mrs Ps bakery?" Kyle, Mrs Eastwood and Seth looked up. They all knew Mrs Ps. She was a young lady living with her husband and Two adopted kids both the same age as Kyle. "What about her?" Mrs Eastwood put another spoon full of chilli in her mouth. "The FDA came for her. Turns out she was selling something called purple J sauce. She tried selling it since the bakery wasn't doing well since the new restaurant has been putting nearly everyone out of the food business." He shoved another spoon full of chilli in his mouth. "She got off the hook because it turned out it was her sister that sent them out without a cooler. So now she's facing twelve lawsuits after putting people in the hospital. kyle knew his father wasn't wrong about Mrs Ps going out of business. A new restaurant came into town about a few months ago. It blew up like crazy about 200 hundred people a day come in a day for food. They say the food is the next best thing. It has always been Kyle's dream to go and become a waiter there. Just him doing the thing that keeps his mind from wandering into the deep thought pool of anxiety ans worrie. It was his worst feeling. Kyle's thoughts were broke by his father talking across to him. "Earth to kyle" kyle caught focus once more. "Did you hear what I said? Kyle shook his head in embarrassment. "No dad sorry can you please repeat that" Mr Eastwood stood up. Kyle and Matt me and your mother thought since we haven't gone out as a family in a while we thought- he started to pull out four little tickets out of his pocket. " We got reservationsat at Heathrowkitchen!" Kyle's and Matt's eyes lit up in excitement. When the restaurant first came along Sam and Mr Eastwood said that they would take them one day. But now since Sam was gone Mr and Mrs Eastwood thought it would be a good time now to cheer them up. Mrs Eastwood butted in. "It's for Tomorrow six o'clock so please everyone try to be on time. I don't want to be late to another event again." Kyle Mr Eastwood and Matt burst out laughing while Mrs Eastwood smiled. Her and her husband were happy to see kyle happy and smiling. Mr Eastwood stood up from his seat and pushed his chair in. He started to collect the dirty white plates of the table. "The dinner was lovely Kyle. Looking forward to the next dinner" he winked at kyle then took his plate up. "You boys go, me and your mother will clean up you boys have done enough these past few months" Both boys replied "thanks mom thanks dad" They both pushed in their chairs and brought their dirty dishes over to the sink. "Now run along get clean clothes out for tomorrow" Mrs Eastwood said while the boys ran up the grey carpeted stairs all the way up to their bedrooms. Kyle was so happy that he got to go somewhere were be he felt like were he belonged. He pulled a pair of blue jeans, white shoes, a white t shirt and a maroon hoodie put and lay them at the end of his bed. He looked over to his desk were his digital alarm clock sat beside his lamp. The digital clock read 21:23. He thought he might as well get a good night's sleep. It was the first night of summer after all he had plenty of time to stay up late and watch movies shows and hang out with his Friends another night. Besides Dr Romen Kyle's therapist told him he should get some rest to keep his mind in order. "One problem at a time" he said but he was nice about it. He liked Dr Rome more than His other "therapist" the one who said he had a "fixed mind" and that "it's all in his head" but with Dr Romen he felt like he was actually listening to kyle and was  treating him with respect and actually helping him with his struggles. He did want to tell his parents all the things Dr Rebecca has told him but they seem really fond of her and believed that she could help. As he changed into his pj's he turned off the light and put his covers on him. He started to think deeper about Dr Rebecca. She was the type of therapist to throw a mindful colouring book at someone and say that it will cure anything your experiencing or in her words what's wrong with you not what you have just you. Dr Romen would suggest hobbies to him to help him branch out more and to take away the stress and anxiety. That's how he got into cooking along with Sam of course teaching him a new recipe every time he came down to visit. Kyle finally shut his eyes. And finally drifted off to sleep.

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