Female! Derpy x Bullied! Silent! Female! Reader

Start from the beginning

Derpy Pov

I didn't hear any reply and started to think they were just laughing at gossip when I heard a pounding. I jumped slightly, startled by the sudden sound, and went back to the source. 'Of course. The closet.' I thought, feeling stupid not checking it earlier. I went down on my knees and peeking under the door. I had to move my long blond hair from getting in the way several times before I looked under the door.

Your Pov

You got excited when you heard the person, who you deduced was a girl from the voice earlier, coming back towards you. You looked back under the door and was met by big yellow eyes. You weren't sure if they were looking at you or the sky but you were glad to see them none the less. She smiled at me, as if happy that I was okay....as if....she....cared.....

Derpy Pov

I smiled when I saw the girl. I wasn't sure what color her eyes were in the dark but I think they were e/y. I was glad she wasn't hurt but still angry that the 'Rude Crew' had locked her in there in the first place. I stood up quickly, using the door knob to help me do so, an tried opened the door. 'Darn. It must need a key...' I thought, looking around for the missing key. 'Wait. What am I doing?' I asked myself, feeling stupid as I took off my backpack and took out a hairpin. I kept them around, just in case I forgot my own key for my locker. (A/N: Yes the lockers open by key. No it isn't weird! And Hairpins do come in packs! Soooooooooo Shhhhhhh) I took one out from the pack and started picking the lock on her 'cage'. I sighed with relief as I zipped back my backpack, after putting back the hairpin, and gently opened the door.

Your Pov

You backed away from the door when you heard her messing with the lock. 'What is she doing?' you thought curiously. You were about to lose hope again after a while of hearing her work with the lock, but you burst into tears of happiness when she opened the door. You looked up at your savoir, salty water still streaming from your eyes. 'Thank you...' you thought, wanting to thank her so much but couldn't. You quickly thought of a way to thank her as you stood up and ran towards her, (A/N: Yes you could run towards her! It was a big closet! Now shush!), and hugged her, still crying. You cried into her shoulder quietly, not wanting to pull away. Honestly you were surprised she didn't pull away.

Derpy Pov

I was was surprised when I opened the door to her in such a state. The light pouring into the room revealed that her eyes were a pretty e/y. 'I know I shouldn't think this but she looks cute when she cries.' I thought as I stood there in silence. Suddenly she got up and came running towards me before embracing me, crying softly into my shoulder. I was unsure what to do or say but after a while I hugged her back, trying to get her to stop crying.

Your Pov

After standing in the closet, for who knows how long, you eventually stopped crying and pulled away. For the first time you actually notice how this girl actually looked. She had long blond messy hair tied into a pony tail, (A/N: No that was not a mlp joke! Geez......), and dark blond eyes that shone cutely. Sure they were a little strange but to you they were still adorable. You looked slightly down and noticed that she had on a plain grey shirt, well almost plain, it had a small cluster of bubbles on the right bottom corner, and blue jeans with white tennis shoes underneath. 'She really is cute huh?' you asked yourself and blushed slightly, which you hid behind your long hair, (A/N: Or bangs!), embarrassed.

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