Pizza Time :D

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It was 7:40 P.M. You were just finishing up getting ready to spend the night with Josiah.
You honestly didn't need to do much, all you did was take a quick shower and throw on a t-shirt, a hoodie, and some shorts. Good enough.
You sat around for about 20 minutes until Josiah arrived. He drove a small black jeep, so it was kinda hard to see. But it was only 8, so there was a little light.
"Hey! Glad you actually came.." You said. His car smelled like smoke and monster.
"Of course I did! What, did ya think I was gonna leave you in the dust?"
You chuckled before looking around.
He had small strings of fairy lights in his car, for the "aesthetic" he says. He actually just uses the lights for when he falls asleep while playing a video game in his car.
His house wasn't a super far drive, only about 10 minutes away from where you lived. You looked out at the sunset, watching it fade from orange to purple to a deep blue.
"So, uh, did you have any plans tonight? I'm sorry if you did. Didn't mean to kinda make you do this."
You shook your head and sat up. "Nono, you're fine! I had nothing going on, promise. If I did I would have told you."
He smiled at you as he backed into his driveway, accidentally hitting his garage. He always does this, so it wasn't too much of a concern for him.
"Alright, this is my house! It's..kinda messy. Sorry about that."
You shook your head, letting him know it was fine. His house wasn't a pig sty, but it also wasn't the cleanest. But you didn't mind.
He had a wide TV in his living room, of course, to play games on. Unless he was watching a movie, it was rare he actually watched TV.
You sat on his couch. It was soft and comfy, but also firm enough to hold you up.
Josiah went to the kitchen, bringing you back a soda. You thanked him and opened it, taking a sip.
"I already ordered the pizza about 8 minutes before I picked you up. So it should be here soon. I'll get it for you if you'd like."
Being the socially anxious person that you were, you nodded.
"Yeah, that'd be cool, thanks."
When the pizza came, he motioned you to go upstairs where his bedroom was.
His room was obviously his favorite room in the house. Decked out in all kinds of different video game and movie merchandise. And of course, some Monster cans and chip bags scattered who knows where.
Although, his bed was..very comfortable. You almost sank into it. But you were quickly cut off from your almost daydream when he entered the room.
"Alright, brought us some extra drinks and snacks, so we should be good to go!"
He turned on the TV in his room (yes he has two) and sat in his bed. It was already on a game, Minecraft.
You sat yourself next to him as he started to play. He explained some things to you, like how to build, what mobs are what, etc. You knew, but his rambling was so cute.
You were doing that thing again, where you just stared at him.
As he rambled, all you did was watch his lips. They were dark, and looked soft.
It made you start to think. It made you think...things. Things you never thought of witj anyone before.
And that's when the realization hit you.

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