29 - shit!

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Spending two hours discussing
what was found, the head Alphas
ended up with splitting headaches
and confused minds, the morning
research they had around the
Masul destroyed grounds gave
them some evidences that were
both helpful and confusing at the
same time.

"So let me wrap this up", said
Hoseok with a tired sigh,
"we are basically dealing with an unknown pack that holds some grudge against Masul and just a little piece of cloth that has scent of coal and grass, which is a disgusting mix in my opinion".

Yoongi hummed in agreement as he rubbed his temples trying to lessen the headache,
"The question is why the fuck
would a pack attack another pack? Werewolves packs are quite peaceful at each other, we live the concept of being one whole pack that was just
divided into smaller packs!".

Hoseok thought for a moment
before turning to Namjoon,
"Do you recognize the scent of coal and grass to be one of your pack members?",

Namjoon looked at Hoseok sharply,
"I hope you are not trying to say
that one of my pack members
burnt their own home and grounds Hoseok!".

The Beta knew that this was quite
unlikely to happen but he can't
help but feel something was off or

"Just a second....why now??",
Namjoon and Hoseok looked at
Yoongi with confusion.
"This happened 12 years ago, why
did they decide to attack now? Why didn't they do it before?".

That was a point, Namjoon hadn't
witnessed any attacks since the
night of misfortune that happened 12 years ago.

So why now???

"I think that I forgot to tell you one more thing",

They turned to Namjoon waiting,
the Alpha looked so troubled trying to remember something,

"That intruder...when we caught him I forced him to talk about his pack, he tried to say it's name but then the whole burning incident of my den got in the way and he didn't get to complete the name".

Another silent moment then
Namjoom groaned,

"Damn I can't remember what he
tried to say!!", the Beta groaned
as well while Yoongi was silent
trying to process everything,
"Ugh this is useless, I'm gonna ask
Xiumin if he remembers something, he was there in the cell while I asked the fucker".

"Okay Namjoon you do this", Yoongi nodded still staring into the space thinking deeply about something,
"Hoseok I want you to gather me
the names of all the packs that
are around the area where Masul
located, also tell Chanyeol to gather the names of pack located around Masul's old location from 12 years ago".

The Beta nodded and excused
himself to do his mission, Namjoon and Yoongi stayed for another half an hour discussing the securing forces of both packs before they left with a huff both seeking their mates for emotional comfort after this confusing shit they talked about.


Namjoon found Jin in the kitchen
cooking with jimin, those two
seemed to be really close now, they both share the same genes actually, sassy, confident, savage, cute and loving genes.

Namjoon found Jin in the kitchencooking with jimin, those twoseemed to be really close now, they both share the same genes actually, sassy, confident, savage, cute and loving genes

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