Start from the beginning

But it wasn't just their battle skills that made people jealous. Selene spent most of her unbearably long days at Annabeth's side — whether that was making cheesy rubber-band friendship bracelets, braiding each other's hair into the most abominable thing imaginable, or laying in the strawberry fields until midnight — arguing on which star was the brightest.

Whatever the reason, people found a way to get green-eyed. And despite the picking on, despite the bullying — her and Annie never pulled apart.

Not once — not never.

The two locked eyes — the deep depths of the ocean meeting the darkest storm clouds.

Annabeth grinned, and the stormy look in her eyes disappeared. Her dark hair was tied into a ponytail, as it normally was, some of her braids falling closer to her face — as she grinned, reaching for Selene's hand.

Selene silently cursed.

'So much for running off.'

Because of Annabeth's actions, Percy seemed to now notice Selene. His sea-green eyes studied her carefully — no doubt he'd heard of her before.

Percy Jackson was a heroic boy to many. He had successfully completed the quest of returning Zeus' master-bolt, and as soon as he did so, he was surrounded in praise and gratitude.

Selene didn't congratulate him much, though. Just a glance and small nod was enough to keep her satisfied.

Because, in all honesty, she was jealous. Jealous that she wasn't the prophecy kid, that she wasn't destined to save the world.

Percy was lucky. Most demigod's would kill for the role he played.

"Hey, Sel," Chirped Annabeth happily, ignoring the apathetic glare sent in her direction. "I wanted you to meet —"

"Percy Jackson," The boy from besides her interrupted. "Son of Poseidon. Nice to meet you." Percy said, holding out his hand.

Selene stared at it with disgust, her nose scrunched up. "I know who you are," She replied coldly, still not making any move to shake his hand. "I'm pretty sure every demigod here does."

Annabeth rolled her eyes, as if to say, Really?

Selene only responded with a pointed look that clearly read, yes, really, Annabeth. Leave me be.

Knowing that the daughter of Artemis's mood won't change, Annabeth let out a sigh of acceptance — her shoulders slumping slightly. She knew about Selene's jealousy for the boy — it was clear, to a child of Athena. To practically everyone, in fact.

Well — everyone except Percy Jackson.

He smiled sheepishly, slowing reaching his hand behind his neck and scratching it awkwardly. "Yeah, guess you're right." He muttered — his brows furrowing slightly at her intensified glare.

It was silent for a moment, the three half-blood's lacking ideas on what to say, or do, after that interaction.

Selene could feel many pairs of eyes on her, as well as Percy. Before the son of Poseidon had arrived, Selene was the one everyone's attention was on. Probably due to her parentage.

But now...

It was different.

And, although she wished then to get the attention off of her, she definitely doesn't now. It was clear the fame had gotten to her — not even she could deny that.

'Great job praying for that one, Selene,' She scolded herself. 'The one wish of yours that came true backfired horribly.'

"So...you're a daughter of Artemis, right?" Percy questioned — stuffing his hands in his jacket. Annabeth glared him — and he raised an eyebrow, as if to say, what?

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