Chapter 7

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"I hope that's everything..." I say to myself, looking at all my bags that were packed. I had a lot of stuff to take with me. It's been 2 years since I fell down and left again. I finished college, now knowing my place was in the underground. I didn't have the life I wanted up here. Everything I needed was underneath me.

"Although, I should throw my bags down first. I just hope they'd survive the fall." I lug all my things towards the hole, wanting to hurry this up. My stuff was very heavy, and I couldn't carry all of it. I groan as I start to push everything, I was starting to regret packing all of it. "God damn..." I breath out.

With everything near the hole, I take a minute to look around. "Goodbye. I'll see you never!" I yell out to no one in particular. I gather all my strength and push everything down the hole. I had a huge smile on my face, knowing I was next. I take one last look and jump down with a small yelp.


'Ughhh... Why did I jump like that?' I thought, opening my eyes. I must have blacked out when I landed. My back hurt, probably from landing on my luggage. "Ughh..." I groan out, sitting up. I now had a slight headache.  I guess I was too excited to care how I land. "Howdy!" I slowly look over at the flower who has greeted me.

"Hey-" I say, waving a bit. My arm hurts too. "That fall looked awful. What were you thinking?" Flowey says, making me groan and glare at him. "Thanks. It's not like I was thinking clearly. Good to see you too though." I said, shaking my head and smiling. I slowly stand up, only to trip and fall over my luggage.

I sigh, staying on the ground for a bit. I could hear Flowey laughing at my sudden clumsiness. I finally sit up, hoping I don't do that again. "Careful. Don't trip." Flowey jinxed. 'I swear to god I will rip him to shreds' I thought, standing up and cracking my knuckles. "You better shut the hell up flower." I said.

Flowey only smirked at me, pissing me off more. Before I could take a step towards the annoying flower, I hear someone walking towards us. I had a feeling it was going to be her. My mother. "My child? Is that you?" I calm down and smile a bit, loving her sweet voice. "Mom, I'm back." I said, seeing Toriel come out of the shadows.

"It really is you. I hope you didn't fall on accident again, my child." Toriel says, sounding a bit concerned. I laugh a bit and said, "No. I finished college. I actually threw everything I owned down here." I scratch the back of my head, looking at Toriel with a nervous look. "Oh my, you were ready to come back, huh?" I smile and nod.

"Could you maybe... Help me?" Toriel walks to me and grabs onto some of my stuff. "Of course. Your room is still all nice. You are staying... right?" Toriel asked with hopeful eyes. "Yup!" I said. I grab some of my luggage as well, finally making our way to Toriel's house. We made conversation as we walked. It was nice.

"Here we are. I'll make some food, I bet you're hungry." Toriel says, gently placing my bags on the hard floor. I smile and nod, wanting to unpack as soon as possible. Once I see Toriel leave, I jump up in excitement. I quickly grab one of the bags and race to my room, opening the door with my foot. "I'm finally here..." I say, throwing my bag.

I didn't throw it hard enough to break anything that was inside. I look around, thinking about what I could hang on the walls. I was already deciding what I wanted to decorate my room with. "I could do it later. Better get the rest of my bags." I said to myself, walking out and grabbing the rest.

It was a hassle, but I made it. I wasn't going to unpack till later, I was too tired for that. "Frisk, the food is done!" I hear Toriel yell from the kitchen. I was surprised that she finally said my name. Hearing my name come out of her mouth was so nice. "Coming!" I yell back, running out of my room and into the kitchen.

I see Toriel place a plate of pancakes. It's not breakfast time, but I still love it. I sat down, smiling like an idiot and started eating. "Fank chu fowr the fwood!" I said with my mouth full. Toriel giggles at me, gently wiping my mouth with a napkin. I knew that after I was done, I was going to visit Papyrus and Sans.

I was so excited to be back. I couldn't to hold Sans again. I tried to finish my food as fast as I could, which turned me into a coughing mess. "My child! Be careful! Don't eat so quickly, you'll have time." Toriel says, patting my back. She seemed to know why I was eating so quickly. "S-Sorry-" I cough out, clearing my throat.

I decided it would be best to slow down. I don't need to choke and die. 'I'll have time...' I thought, smiling to myself.


"I'm visiting Papyrus and Sans! I'll be back!" I yelled out. Toriel comes out from the sitting area, smiling at me. "If you are staying over, please do contact me. I wouldn't want to worry." Toriel said. "Got it!" I then run down the stairs, getting down the long hallway as quick as I could. I then stop, running into the door on accident.

"I gotta calm down a little." I said to myself, staring at the door that I had trouble opening last time. "Here we go." I rub my hands together and use both of them to open the door. It was heavy but I managed to get it opened. Breathing heavily, I look forward. After having a small break, I smile and walk forward.

I couldn't wait to see them again. I was more excited to see Sans after being away for 2 years. We need to catch up. 'More like we need to kiss again...' I thought, blushing a bit. I start walking faster, wanting to hurry up. I finally see the snowy ground come into view, making me shudder at the sudden coldness.

I still kept moving forward. It was cold but I didn't care. Nothing was going to ruin my happy mood. Without realizing it, I finally made it to snowdin. I see all the familiar shops and places that I loved. I slow down to a stop, biting my lower lip. I started to feel a little nervous. I shouldn't though. Sans and Papyrus said they'd wait for me.

Although, I had some doubts. I sigh and walk again at a normal speed, seeing their house. I go up to the door, hesitating to knock. 'What if they lied...' I thought. I was hoping my doubts would go away but they didn't. Before I had a chance to knock though, the door swung open. I flinch and freeze, seeing the tall skeleton with a red cape on.

"I WILL BE BACK, BROTHER!" He yells, accidently running into me and pushing me down. I let out an 'oomph' and rub my side. I landed on a snowball that was really hard. "I APOLOGIZE HUMAN! I DID NOT SEE YOU!" Papyrus said. I stare up at him with a questioning look. He doesn't seem to realize that it's me.

It reminded me about how he acted 2 years ago. "LET ME HELP YOU UP, HUMAN!" I then felt Papyrus lift me up gently, wiping imaginary dirt off my clothes. "ARE YOU HURT, HUMAN?" Papyrus asks, bending down a little to my height. "I'm fine..." I say, staring at him. "WAIT... HUMAN?!" I cover my ears at how loud Papyrus is.

"LITTLE HUMAN!" Papyrus yells out again and lifts me up. I yelp a bit when my feet are lifted off the ground. He pulls me to his chest and hugs me tight, not enough to hurt me though. "YOU HAVE COME BACK!" I feel myself start to smile and hug his neck. "It's great to see you again too, Papyrus." I said.

"LET ME TAKE YOU INSIDE, LITTLE HUMAN! SANS WOULD BE HAPPY THAT YOU ARE BACK!" I giggle as Papyrus carries me too the door, opening it with his other hand. "BROTHER! LOOK WHAT I HAVE FOUND AT OUR DOOR!" Papyrus yells out. I hear a deep groan, making me believe that was Sans.

"Papy, I'm trying to sleep." Sans says, walking towards us. He didn't seem to see me yet. The door was probably shielding me from view. "COME OVER HERE, SANS!" Papyrus yells out again, earning another groan from his brother. I then hear light footsteps come close to us. "What the hell" Sans trails off.

He was finally staring at me in his brothers' arms. I look at Papyrus with a nervous expression. "He doesn't seem happy to see me..." I whisper to Papyrus, hoping I was wrong. "SANS! SAY HELLO TO THE LITTLE HUMAN! YOU ARE HURTING HER FEELINGS!" Papyrus says, placing me down on the ground.

I stare up at Sans, hoping I could get a hug out of him. "Sans...?" I say, breaking the silence that has enveloped the room. Without saying anything, Sans grabs my shirt and pulls me into a hug. I was surprised at first. I thought my shirt was going to rip. But I then melted into the hug, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I missed you..." Sans whispers, making me close my eyes. "Me too..." I whisper back. We stayed like that, not caring if Papyrus was watching...

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