skipping stones- part 1

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A/N. I am so very sorry for not updating, i havent had much time to write recently as school is kicking my ass, and im going through alot and i have a lack of motivation. If u want to, go read my stenbrough story please!(not pressuring) It would help alot as i spend not even joking about an hour or 2 on a chapter. Thank u! And yes there is going to be another chapter continuing from this one

In this mike and will are dating! PLS TRY AND SEE THEM AS LIKE S4 THEM, THEYRE LIKE 16 IN THIS!!!!

Mike is wearing an oversized Metallica graphic t-shirt with red plaid pants and fluffy rainbow socks (we know what you are Michael.)

Will is wearing a plain grey shirt with black sweats and a pair of (also rainbow) spotty socks.

"Goodmorning." Mike says in a croaky voice rolling over facing will. Will opens his eyes, groaning, "Morning my love." He says in a morning voice. Mike puts his hand out and swipes a bit of hair from wills face while smiling at him. "Its time to get up you two love birds!!!" Nancy yells out to mike and will while grabbing her bag and heading out the front door. "Moms already at work, so its just you two here! Holly is having a playdate with one of her friends!!" She yells while digging in her bag for her car keys and walking out the front door, sliding her flats on. 

"Have you got any ideas on what you want to do today?" Mike asks, putting his palm on the side of his head, relying on his elbow on the bed to hold him. Will does the same, looking at his raven-haired boyfriend. God he was so in love with him. "I dunno, we could maybe just lay around and chill, maybe go to starcourt or go for a walk." Will says smiling at mike. "Todays our day, just us, no party, no el, no steve to babysit us, just us. Like a date but a whole day date just hanging out as boyfriends." Mike says in a tired voice, smiling at his gorgeous lover. Will leans over and gives mike a small kiss and smiles at him. "Do you want to make breakfast first than we can decide on what to do today?" Will says slowly moving out of mikes bed. "Yeah sure!" Mike replies back also getting out of bed, stretching his arms in the air while sitting on his mattress. He stands up and wraps his arms around wills waist and looks him in the eyes, smiling he says, "I love you so much, more than anything in fact." "I love you so much too." Will says back, smiling at mike. Mike put little kisses all over wills face. Will put his arms around mikes neck. When mike pulled his head back, will leaned in and kissed his lips. It lasted around 7 seconds. "What would you like for breakfast my love? Ill make anything you feel like" Mike asked. "Hmm im in the mood for pancakes." Will replied. "Cmon ill get started on making them for you." Mike said unwrapping his arms from will, smiling at him. 

They both walked out of mikes room to the kitchen. Will sat down and mike got out some flour and the ingredients for the mix. He started mixing it on the counter in front of will. "Do you need me to do anything for you?" Will asked putting his elbows on the counter, holding his face in his palms. Mike looked up at his boyfriend and smiled while saying, "No honey, youre fine to stay there." He leaned over a bit and kissed wills forehead. He smiled at him once more, so did will and mike continued mixing. He had already turned the stove and the pan was on top of the flames. "Alright these are ready to be cooked now." Mike said, walking over to the stove top. He set the bowel on the counter, grabbing the pan spray. With the spoon, he got a bit of the mix and poured it onto the pan. 

He felt warm arms wrapping around him. "You mean the world to me, im so grateful for you." Will said laying his head on mikes shoulder. "Awe you mean the exact same too me, Im so happy that youre here with me." Mike said back while putting the flipper on the counter, putting his hands on wills. "This pancakes gonna be a little bit burnt, hope thats okay." Mike said. He turned around and faced will, kissing him. "Just let me flip this pancake, then we can have lovey dovey time together." Mike said again, smiling at his lover. He turned around, arms still wrapped around him from behind. He flipped the pancake and obviously it was burnt a bit. He put it on the plate next to the stove top and turned the flames off. He turned around, facing will. He kissed will again, pulling away after a couple seconds. Will leaned in and kissed mike, slipping his tongue inside his boyfriends mouth (you can imagine the rest). Mikes hands were around wills neck, occasionally on the back of his head, wills arms were wrapped tightly around mikes waist. They made out for around 9 minutes. Nancy burst through the front door. "SHIT I FORGOT TO GET MY- get a room you two, gosh." She said sighing and quickly walking to her room. "We were the only ones here??!" Mike said defending him and will. "What if mom with Holly were to burst through the front door instead?! Your 10 year old sister would be horrified!" She yelled out to him from her room, searching everywhere for a piece of paper. "Well she didnt burst through the door with mom, did she?!" Mike yelled back. Will giggled at mike and nancy fighting. "Alright my love, I need to make these pancakes or the mix is gonna go bad from sitting out for so long." Mike said kissing will once more. Will unwrapped his arms from mike, kissing mike on the cheek.

Words: 1036 w/o authors note! (and the clothes thing and age)

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