Wasteful River

162 9 1

Y/n= your name
N/n= nickname
S/c= skin color
E/c= eye color
H/c= hair color

Andromea - Is your character
Ephriam - is William's character

Status: Unedited


As the group approached the city, three older Latino men approached them, "Welcome to San Angel! Dr. Bravestone we are so glad to have you and your... crew here to take our lovely Andromea! Oh, you've brought a woman to make her trip more comfortable! How sweet." One of the old men spoke, they could barely understand his dialogue through his thick accent.

"Yes, yes, where is your help, my lady?" The other man asked Martha.

"Oh, uhm-" She turned her head to the right and held Bethany's arm, " This is Professor Shelby, he is my advisor."

The men nodded, speaking Spanish to each other, before turning back to the group, "Wonderful! Then Mr. Shelby and one of our men will take you to the waterfall with the rest of the women. They will most likely be there, washing and preparing for the festival. We will also provide proper attire for your stay here." The third old man said, walking with the other two.

"Men, come, please! This way, towards the town hall. We have much to discuss." The first man spoke again.

A younger man stepped out from one of the villa's, approaching Bethany and Martha, "This way, I will take you to the waterfall, where the river ends."

The two were separated from the group, following the tall, tan man. Bethany couldn't help but stare at the man, deeming him very handsome in her own use of words. Martha was confused and concerned, not wanting to be separated from the guys. Hopefully, this wasn't a trap to get them all apart.

The deeper they got into the jungle, the more concerned Martha got, the two "men" in front of her seemed to hit it off though, Bethany laughing at the jokes the guy cracked. In the distance women's voices could be heard, laughing and singing. Martha could see loads of women bathing in the river and playing under the waterfall. 

"You know, I am quite good in the medical field. My mother was a nurse. As a single mother, she taught me everything she knows to ensure that I have a brighter future than she did. She wanted me to live a long happy life." He walked towards the river and smiled, "Good morning ladies! I've brought a guest, Ms. Ruby Roundhouse is here to join you. Now play nice ladies. Pretend that she is Andromea."

"But that's not fair! I'm sure Andromea wouldn't mind a few tricks?" One of the ladies asked and the rest giggled.

"It looks like Berto found himself a lover at last!" One of the ladies in the back yelled, and the others cheered.

"Ladies, ladies, calm down. Professor Shelby is Ms. Ruby's advisor. There is nothing between us." He chuckled as the ladies sighed in disappointment.

"Until Roberto takes him to the private waterfall down the way-" Another lady spoke as one splashed her with water, laughing.

"I will see you all later ladies, take good care of Ruby." Roberto waved to the ladies, wrapping an arm around Bethany, walking to the path across the river, walking over the bridge.

The ladies walked out of the water towards Martha, "Oh- Wow, you're all naked."

She averted her eyes as the ladies started to undress Martha, "Hey! What- no! I don't think- Hey! Watch where your hands are!"

Martha's protests could be heard far along the trail, Roberto and Bethany walked and talked, "you know, a lot of what they said is true you know?"

Bethany looked up at the handsome male, "I am taking you to the private waterfall if it isn't already occupied. And... Oh, we're here."

Bethany locked eyes with the man as they got to the falls, and Roberto started to strip, getting in the water. "And?"

Bethany walked down to the small pool where Roberto was floating, he looked at Bethany and stood up, walking out of the water, "And..." Getting closer to Bethany he whispered in her ear, "I am insanely attracted to you..."

Bethany locked eyes with the man before he kissed her, taking her most of her clothes off and helping her into the water, "Whoa-  Whoa! okay, you're insanely hot and all, but we met like 20 minutes ago. Maybe if we, like, slowed it down a tiny bit, then we can get somewhere,"

Roberto helped Bethany with her jacket and boots to help her in the water, "That's fine, I just hope that I didn't scare you off. I know I came on too strong, I should've suppressed the feeling, it's just when I saw you look at the waterfall in the light, you were so... mesmerizing. I couldn't help it."


"We have come up short on hard times, to keep the peace in our fruitful land, we needed a contract, unfortunately, the one we settled on was a marriage contract. Their leader and our precious-" The man was cut off.

"ANDROMEAAA ahaaaaaaaaaa." The second man cried.

"We found Andromea in the woods when she was an infant, Being unmarried, the three of us raised her. It hurts to see our daughter go and get married to a tyrant like him. Please, make sure that our daughter gets there safely. If anything were to happen to her, our village is to decay and die." The third man spoke.

"At the festival, you shall relax and have fun, you will meet Andromea there as well. The women will be back in thirty minutes or so, you are free to look around or even visit our lovely market! We have lots of fresh produce!" The first man changed the topic.

"Don't worry about your daughter, she is in safe hands," Spencer spoke, shaking hands with the men as the second man cried more.

"We gave covered as much as we can to make your trip safe, now the rest is up to you." the first man spoke again, leading his crying friend out of the door with the other man.

"So, we find Y/n, find the jewel, marry Y/n off, then we can leave Jumanji?" Fridge simplified.

"Is there any way that we don't have to marry Y/n off?  We may not be together anymore, but her best interest is still a priority." Will spoke, pissed that some guy was going to marry Y/n.

"Well, we're going to have to wait and see," Spencer spoke, smoldering at the camera.

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