
174 9 0

Y/n= your name
N/n= nickname
S/c= skin color
~~~= time skip

Status: Unedited

Will looked at his status, wondering why almost everything was textured the way it was. Almost like there was a layer underneath you just couldn't see.

"Guys! We're here!" Bethany looked up from the map to see a large hedge in front of them.

"The map is all blurry, almost like it's changing. I think... I think it's a maze..." Bethany looked completely confused.

The hedge opened in front of them, and the different shades of green changed. The large group walked, Spencer, watching the hedge in front of them which was open.  A light green, a vibrant shade, then a dark shade. Once the cycle finished the hedge closed around them, with two more openings, and Bethany and Fridge walked forward, while everyone else went to the right.

The hedge closed, "Bethany? Fridge? What happened?" Martha yelled.

"We're okay! The hedge closed. I think it means we're supposed to find a way out." Bethany walked forward and the hedge closed.

"Aw, man! I'm freakin' out over here!" Fridge panicked.

"I've got an idea, if Bethany's right and this is a maze, what if Martha gets on Spencer's shoulders to see what direction is out?" Alex looked to see Will gone.

"That's... actually a good idea. Okay, Martha, I'll hold you up." Spencer picked up Martha and held her over the hedge.

"I can't see anything... all I can see is the hedge," Martha said.

"What, like it's all hedge from here? You don't see a way out from here?"  Spencer asks.

"No, the hedge just grows." Martha climbed down.

"Damn, Anti-Cheat Maze." Spencer turned around and he was separated from the group.

"What? What does that mean?" Bethany asked, trying to look at where the voices were coming from, finding that she was all alone. 

"Usually when you play a videogame there's a glitch or a cheat to get past a certain level- or at least make it easier, some coders create anti-cheat measurements to make sure that you play the intended way. The maze has two ways to make sure we play right. It constantly moves so that if we know which way to go, we can't memorize it's path and The hedge grows so that we don't know which direction to go." Spencer explained, now separated from Martha.

"So, Bethany, which way is this village?" Alex asked, yelling over the hedge.

"Well, before we got in the maze, it was directly on the otherside. Any other way will make you go back to the beginning or end up some place else, making everything a lot harder." Bethany yelled, walking forward as the hedge opened. 

"So, what? We just, walk forward and hope we all make it to the same place?" Fridge asked, taking a left.

"I guess so." Spencer said. walking forward. 

The maze started to move faster, everyone taking different directions to try to get to the end. Will picked up the pace, starting to run when he stopped, feeling his heart tug, he turned. The maze stopped moving fast and opened slowly, a dark cave. The hedge closed behind Will as he moved forward, he saw a faint blue glow deep in the cave. His heart yearned form the glow, whatever it may be. 

William stepped forward as the cave widened. His heart dropped as he saw where he was now, the cave was no longer the small little hole in the wall that he had walked into, it was now a tall cavern with tall cliffs and vast lakes, more tunnels in the surrounding walls. Purple cloudy water covered the entirety of the cavern floor. He breathed a sign as he observed more of his surroundings. The glow was atop the tallest cliff, it reminded him of parkour that he used to do in those silly adventure games with Y/n.

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