Chapter 2: Disappeared

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The only thing he can do now is just stare at the paper.

"Are you serious? Do I have to look for him again? It's a plan. He planned this for sure. But how does he know that I forget what happens when I wake up suddenly?" The officer has so many questions but fewer answers. He would like to feel the chair if it's still warm or not, just to check if he has been away for a long while. But in this state, being just his soul, he cannot feel temperatures. He can't run back either, his heart rate will be too high and he won't remember again what happened.

"You can write it down, stupid!" He takes a pen and is on his way to write on the paper. But then realizes that he cannot take the paper with him and that he needs to come back to read it. However, if he wakes up and cannot remember, maybe he'll go back to his soul state or maybe he'll go physically. He rakes his fingers through his hair. "What will the woken-up-me do? Let's just risk it. I got no other choice." He scribbles some words down on the paper. He looks over the paper and confirms that it should do. He jumps a couple of times warming up and starts to run. When he runs through the door, he wakes up, sits upright, and breathes fast.

"What just happened? Why do I have the feeling that I have to go?" He calms himself down and looks at the clock. "It is this early. There must be something going on. I can go back. But wouldn't it be safer to go as my soul? But I woke up suddenly, which means that my heart rate was too high. Something was going on that increased my heart rate. When going with my body I won't have that problem. But then I would be visible." He ponders a couple of seconds and makes the decision. He puts on clothes and makes himself ready to go out of the door. This time he takes the bicycle, so he can take shortcuts without being recorded. After ten minutes he arrives at the door. He carefully checks if he is on camera, rings the bell a few times, and proceeds to open it carefully when the bell is not answered. He steps into a dark room that seems to be empty, but it is not extremely warm yet. The air-conditioning has not been put off that long ago. He walks inside with quiet steps. Normally the culprit should be sitting right there at the desk, but he is not. He walks over and feels the chair. It's cold. He hasn't sat there in a while. The officer looks around to see if he can find some evidence of where he might have gone to. But the only thing that is left in the house is the furniture. The computer is gone and all other documents and pictures that hung on the walls disappeared. Not one picture is left behind.

"We're going to do it like this? Alright! I'll find you, chase you down, and get you to stop. Now it's not just because of my job, but because of my pride." He looks through the small apartment once again, but without new results.

"There's no way that I cannot track him down again. I put a tracker on his computer if he did not find that one I can track him." He leaves the building faster than when he came. In a record time, he is back again. He starts up his computer and taps impatiently with his finger on the desk. He opens the application. Within a few minutes, he sees the red dot of the fleeing bird's computer's location. It's exactly the opposite direction from his previous location. He is happily surprised that the tracker works. But he also realizes that he doesn't have the time to look him up. Even if he would go as soul. He should let his body and soul rest for the bare minimum of seven hours. 

He wakes up still tired, but it should be enough to survive the day. He starts again with his morning run, refreshes himself, and gets to work. After doing some lazy brain paperwork he startles due to a knock on his desk.

"There is someone who asks for you. He's at the front desk." He pulls up his eyebrows, stands up, and walks to the front desk. He's glad that he can take a short walk as he almost fell asleep. Curious about who asked for him, he hurries up. Maybe it's his mother or father who came to visit him. They still haven't looked for him since he began with this work. But they didn't tell him. Well, maybe they wanted to surprise him. He increases his speed a bit so he'll know sooner. Finally, he can see the front desk. It's not a long walk from his desk to the front desk, but still too long when you're curious. He doesn't see anyone. Probably they sat down while waiting. He walks a bit further and looks into the waiting room. His eyes analyse the people sitting there. An old, grumpy man, a short-haired foreigner, a man who could use a bit of sleep, a pretty female with sunglasses... His eyes go back to the man who could use some sleep. It is the man he's looking for. The man grins and stands up.

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