
400 8 6

A/N for author's note
[Hado#90: kurohitsugi] for actions, attack names or abilities
"For narration"
'For text messages, phone calls and reading
For flashbacks

This world is shit.


" There were black clouds of smoke coming from a street downtown due to some explosions and fire and a large crowd of civilians watching that happening and the heroes and police were trying to keep them away from the cause of the explosions and fire and some low-rank heroes trying to defuse the situation but were failing miserably at it."

" Somewhere in the shadows. "

Izuku: So, it begins.

???: Finally things will get exciting.

???: Indeed, but we still have to wait a long time.

Izuku: hmm, you two follow the plan.

" As the two of them disappear, Izuku then [shunpo's] to the area of chaos. Seeing him the heroes and police breath a sigh of relief. "

Izuku: Leave the rest to me I'll handle it.

" Heroes and police officers just nod there heads. "

" Izuku uses [shunpo] to save the hostage and brings him to the heroes."

Izuku: Now, then it time to finish you off [Hado#31: Shakkahō].

" He fires an orb of red energy towards the villain that appears to be made out of sludge. "

" As the red orb hits the villain it explodes and it's sludgey remains scatters everywhere. "

Izuku: Now, that's over, is the hostage fine? * Of course he is fine, he is my second greatest experiment after all. *

The heroes: Y-Yes, he is fine.

Izuku: Good then I'll will be taking my leave you guys handle whatever remains.

Heroes: Yes sir.

" As he leaves the boy he saved looks at him in awe. Knowing that the boy was looking at him he internally smirks. "

Izuku: * Phase one of the plan is complete. It's time to initiate phase two. *


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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