She sends him a wry, deadpan expression, mumbling sarcastically, "Gee, thanks. I was hoping you'd be dead, too, Gremlin."

The imp grows a tick mark of agitation, scowling, though a smirk tugs at Sesshomaru's lips. He begins walking to find Rin as the Princess relaxes against him once more. Jaken starts at this, eyes jerking wide. "Wait for me, Sesshomaru-sama!" Jaken calls as he scurries after them. He groans in depression at being ignored.


As he flies through the darkened sky with Shinobu and Jaken on his back and Sakura in Mokomoko-sama at the front, Sesshomaru finally picks up the scent of the walking dead by the base of MT. Hakurei.

Jaken mumbles, "I don't feel so good, My Lord. Is it my imagination, or has the barrier become quite a lot stronger than before?"

The silverette doesn't respond. He was so mad at Jaken for having failed in protecting Rin.

"You're just dreaming, Gremlin," Sakura mumbles in her sleep, sighing dreamily due to how soft and silky Sesshomaru's fur is around her. It was like floating on a fluffy white cloud. "I don't feel any pain at all."

"That's because you're human," Jaken grumbles back in annoyance before snuggling into the fur on Sesshomaru's back, internally giggling giddily.

Sakura's P. O. V:

We eventually land and Shinobu regains consciousness. We walk through the field with the crescent moon shining overhead. I notice that Sesshomaru is matching his pace with ours.

It makes me smile to myself, thinking he's being considerate of us.

Sesshomaru pauses, gazing ahead.

I ask, "Sesshy-kun? What is it?"

"I've found them," He responds, the sacred barrier crackling against his body, making me feel worried, before continuing onward. Shinobu and I follow him, hearing Jaken behind us.

"Wait for me, My Lord! Aaahh!" Jaken cries out when the barrier strikes him painfully. "Sesshomaru-sama, it's a trap! That's why they abducted Rin, so they could lure you into the barrier. Don't go any further!" But he doesn't listen. "Sesshomaru-sama!" I hear Jaken tripping as he tries to catch up to us.

We soon stop on a cliff where the two men from this afternoon were walking below us.

The one that fought Sesshomaru looks back as he mutters, "He's not following. I guess the barrier is too strong for even Sesshomaru to make it this far."

"Heh! I wouldn't say so!"

"Huh?" Thru both gaze up at where Sesshomaru, Shinobu and I are standing. I stare back at my daughter, head in the brunette man's arm. She seems to be alright—for now.

"Mummy, Shinobu-kun, Sesshomaru-sama! You've come!" Rin calls happily.

As the black haired man steps forwards, the brunette says, "They'd cut us off."

The ravenette says, gripping his sword, "Dammit, wretch. You're a demon yet the barrier isn't even affecting you." He scowls as Sesshomaru unsheathes his sword. Shinobu and I do the same. "Then maybe this will!"

The man swings down his weird sword and it races towards us. The three of us dodge the blade as it slams into the wall behind us.

The man swings it after us but Sesshomaru, but I see blood dripping down Sesshomaru's. Worry tugs at my heart. So he is being affected by the barrier!

Not good.

Rin calls worriedly, "My Lord! You're wounded!"

The ravenette laughs as he steps before us. "I thought so! Your skills have been failed by the barrier."

Rin calls fearfully, "Aaahh! Shinobu, mummy, Sesshomaru-sama!"

"Be quiet!" The tall man orders as he holds his claws next to her threateningly.

Anger boils in my veins.

Our opponent tells Sesshomaru, sounding impressed, "Your pride is truly astounding. Especially since you can barely even stand... all thanks to the barrier!" He swings his sword at Sesshomaru but Sesshomaru deflects it with a couple of swings before pulling the man forwards and over his head.

I lunge for him with my twin katanas as he lands but he evades my attack. Shinobu was there and swinging his Archenemy viciously, but the man too evades those attacks, only to be met with Sesshomaru. Once more he dodges the attacks before back flipping and landing in a crouch.

I could tell Sesshomaru is gradually trying to move away from the barrier. I knew it was hard on him!

The man before us calls, "Hey, Suikotsu! Make sure you don't move away from the mountain."

"I don't need to be reminded, Jukotsu," Suikotsu responds. "You just concentrate on your end and get rid of the menace. Make it fast because I'm just itching to slaughter this little brat!" He has Rin held in one arm while he points at her with his claws.

A dark glare appears on my features as Shinobu grits his teeth in frustration.

Damn it!

Rin breathes, "Help... Shinobu, mummy, Sesshomaru-sama!"

Jukotsu tells Sesshomaru, "Don't do anything funny! One wrong move from you and the kid is dead, you got that?" He takes a step forward, smiling. "It's funny. It's just a matter of time if you think about it."

Sesshomaru questions calmly, "Is that what you think? Huh?" Sesshomaru hoods his eyes, looking as though he's laughing inwardly, a smile playing on his lips.

Jukotsu demands while pulling his sword arm back, "Why you arrogant wretch! What's so damn funny?! You're hardly in any position to be laughing!"

He throws his sword at us. As Sesshomaru, Shinobu and I land, I throw a katana behind me without looking and hear it hit its mark in Suikotsu's chest, shocking Jukotsu.

Damn, well I was aiming for his neck, but that should do some damage... right?

Sesshomaru throws down his own sword and barely bats an eyelash when his shoulder is cut by Jukotsu's blade. He continues forward as my brother and I land and thrusts his right hand into Jukotsu's left pectoral, causing him to groan in agony. As his face slumps into Mokomoko-sama, Suikotsu collapses to his knees.

Rin breaks free and runs towards us, yelling fearfully, "Shinobu, mummy, Sesshomaru-sama!" She gasps when she's shoved to the ground.

"You're not going anywhere." We looo to see Suikotsu pinning Rin to the ground by her head, a smile on his face.

Jukotsu says as he pulls back a little, "Up close like this, you really are attractive." He raises his eyes to the dog demon, smiling darkly. "Nice try, but no luck. We cannot be slain like normal mortals. You should've listened to what the girl said about our jewel shards."

Suikotsu pulls the katana from his chest as he asks, "What do you think? I'm going to kill her now. That idiot doctor. He's too scared to come out because of my injury!" Rin gasps as we see the green lines on his face have disappeared. "It's incredible! This urge I feel to kill is overwhelming!"

He aims his claws for my daughter. I grit my teeth as Shinobu, Sesshomaru and I whirl around to stop him.

"You fools! It's too late to save her!" Yells Jukotsu.

"Now, die!!" Suikotsu yells while bringing his claws down towards Rin. She closes her eyes to brace herself but a sacred arrow flies over and pierces Suikotsu right in the neck, where his jewel shard is.

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