Ch. 6 - Words of Affirmation

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"I'll make you happy baby, just wait and see

For every kiss you give me, I'll give you three"

Be My Baby - The Ronettes


Steve and Felicity spent the day out in New York City, going to lunch and then to a casual book store that doubled as a record and vinyl store. She thought he'd like it, and he did. He liked collecting records in the 21st century rather than listening to music on the radio or on his phone.

He ended up getting a few old records to play on his stereo, liking the familiar scratchy tone. She got some books that she'd been contemplating getting the last few times she'd been there, or so she told him.

He sketched her in the park as she posed for him by the fountain. He asked her to, he couldn't help it. As they walked through, she looked so lovely. He wanted to capture the moment. She was hesitant, but happy to be his muse.

He showed her his drawings of her, and she said things like, "I knew you were a great artist, but wow, Steve." and "I wish I was as talented as you."

When they got back to the Compound, they dropped their stuff off in their respective rooms and met back up in the living room. None of the other Avengers were there, luckily. Even though he'd spent the day with her, he wanted just a little more time alone.

Steve took her by her waist and swayed her gently, smiling while getting close. "I've been waiting for this one."

She blushed under his gaze. "I've heard how good you are with your words. All those speeches and briefings..."

He shook his head and clicked his tongue before speaking, "You know when I first met you, I immediately thought that you were the most beautiful gal I'd ever laid eyes on. When we started spending time together, I realized that even when we weren't together, I couldn't get you off my mind. Your romantic personality is what convinced me to spend time with you in the first place, but every moment since then made me fall deeper in love with you."

She sat down on one of the leather couches. He didn't know if her shock was from disappointment or happiness. "Oh God, Steve..."

He sat down beside her and took her smaller hands in his, holding them on her lap. He spoke clearly and through his heart, "I love you, Felicity. I want to spend every day with you."

She paused for a moment. Eventually, she smiled to herself before saying, "You're a gentleman. Opening doors, pushing in chairs, offering to pay... It may be old-fashioned, but I really like that it's natural for you to have chivalrous manners like that."

He was listening to her, he was. But he couldn't help but wonder why or even if she was going to say it back.

"I like how honest and sensitive you are. Truly, you are the only man I've ever met that's listened to me and given answers from the heart. You actually care."

He opened his mouth to say something but a finger was held up onto his mouth to stop him. Her face slowly got closer to his, right until her lips were brushing against the skin of his cheek.

"You're sweet, and kind, and you put everyone's needs before your own." Felicity started to pepper kisses along the lower half of his face. Steve closed his eyes.

"You're brave." A kiss on his cheekbone. "Dependable." A kiss on the hollow of his cheek. "Strong." A kiss on the back of his jaw. "Humble." A kiss on his chin. "Romantic." A kiss on his top lip. "Incredibly handsome." A kiss on his bottom lip. "And I love you more than you know."

He looked at her, looking at him. Nothing but adoration swam in those gorgeous green eyes. The way she looked at him made his nervous heart flutter.

He leaned forward, nuzzling his head into the crook of her neck. His lips met her soft skin, kissing up to her jaw and back down. His nose rubbed on her, deeply breathing in her scent. His tongue darted out to lick certain bits, loving the taste of her. He was encouraged ever so slightly when he heard a soft moan escape her beautiful throat.

"I want you to be mine," he mumbled so quietly into her neck that he thought she didn't hear him.

Felicity broke out of her daze from when he was kissing her, realizing what he was asking. "Steve?"

She took his face in her hands and brought him up to face her. His eyes roved over her face, finding everything perfect. Her long lashes framed her bright green eyes, her cheeks were flushed pink from being turned on, and her sharp eyebrows were upturned, making her eyes look wide.

"Steve, are you sure?" She looked apprehensive. Unsure whether he'd actually asked what he asked.

He grinned and kissed her square on the lips, parting only to truthfully say, "Be my baby."

She nodded vigorously, her eyes crinkling at the corners and her nose scrunching in the cutest way. "I wanna be with you."

Steve pulled her on top of him so that she was straddling his thighs. He wasn't sure who initiated another kiss, but somehow his tongue was in her mouth and her hands were feeling up his chest and everything was hot and he was finding it very difficult to stave off his hard-on. At that point, he wasn't sure he wanted to.

She broke the kiss. They were both breathing heavily and both of their hearts were pounding in their chests.

"Stevie, I want..."

"What do you want, Felicity?" he asked breathily. He was longing for her to say what he thought she was going to say. "Tell me."

She brushed back his blond hair with her fingers and looked him in the eyes. "I want you to make love to me."


I'm not going to rob you guys

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