Ch. 5 - Receiving Gifts

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Steve was on a mission with a few of the other Avengers the morning after the girls' night (which he was not a part of, no male in the Compound was), only coming back in the late afternoon when the mission was a success.

He found Felicity's gift yesterday on his bed, opening it alone in his room. She gave him a brand new sketchbook, pencils, a nice canvas, and a collection of paints. All of these would have cost a fortune back in his day.

He'd been going through many stages of art block ever since he got out of the ice. Sure, he doodled on some paperwork when he was bored or on a napkin inside a restaurant, but he hadn't actually sat down and drawn or painted something. This was a great incentive to start doing just that. He knew he had to give Felicity something just as special. He had put her gift in her room right before he left for the mission, knowing all of the girls were all sleeping in the living room. He was hoping she would like it while also hoping it wasn't too much.

Steve came into the medical lab still in his uniform, the one Felicity fixed, with no helmet and his shield attached to his back. She turned around when she heard the door and stood up with a huge smile on her face when she saw it was him.

Steve immediately hugged her when she was close enough. "Felicity!"

"Steve! Are you hurt?" Felicity pulled away, still holding Steve's biceps. He liked when she kept her hands on him.

"No, no, I just came to see you."

Everything seemed to slow down. She looked up at him with adoration in her eyes. Oh, those eyes... he never stopped thinking about her pretty green eyes.

After a moment, she snapped out of it and asked him, "Oh! How was the mission? Is your stomach okay?"

He chuckled. "It was fast, easy. And yeah, it's okay. I'm okay."

"Okay, good... It's probably time to take your stitches out."

Steve nodded in agreement, his wound had completely healed in the past few days. Already knowing what he had to do, he started stripping his top half. He set his shield on a random table and took off his harness with a bit of fiddling, then took off the top of his uniform.

He laid down on the examination table so that Felicity can do her thing. He relaxed, putting his arms behind his head as she sterilized the area. His head was propped, giving him the perfect view of Felicity working on his stomach.

He liked to watch her work. He studied the details on her face, the way her eyes darted around his injury, and how her focus never broke. The way her sharp eyebrows drew together in concentration and the way her teeth subconsciously took her bottom lip between them were mesmerizing. So fuckin' pretty.

He just comfortably stared at her as each stitch was cut and taken out by her steady, practiced hands. She always knew what she was doing, always knew what she wanted to do next, always sure. He loved that about her.

"Hey, thank you for the art supplies. I've been finding it hard to do art recently and it was exactly the motivation I need. It meant a lot... so thank you, Felicity."

She grinned. "Of course, Steve. You told me you went to art school before the war, so I thought it would be nice." As she finished up the last stitch and put the bandage over it again, she continued, "And I wanted to say thank you for the plane tickets. You didn't have to do that, and you did."

His heart jumped with joy and he sat upright. "Of course. I took a look at your schedule to see when you were free and booked a flight for you."

The way she looked at him was like he had hung the stars in the sky himself. Like instead of a plane ticket he gave her dominion over the world and all things that lie within. It made him feel wanted, and a little vulnerable under her gaze.

"You're so sweet, Steve."

She pulled him in by the sides of his neck and kissed him. Felicity's lips were warm and smooth, the shape of them perfectly fitting his own. Even her taste was addictive.

He stood up and spun them around, never breaking the kiss as he pinned her against the examination table. His naked chest pushed against her clothed one. His hands went from her back to her thighs, where he lifted her up and sat her down on the examination table. He got in between her legs and pulled her flush against him, their bodies flattened together. Her hands flew behind his head and her legs crossed on his ass as her thighs squeezed his hips, making his cock grind on her core. God, this woman.

She opened her mouth for an opportunity to invite his tongue in, which he took to explore every crevice of her. He licked inside her mouth, emboldened by her pulling him closer. He twisted his tongue on hers in a wet, messy kiss.

He was moving his hands from her waist to her hips repeatedly, just feeling her body as they made out. She moved her hands to his chest and ran them down his abs, making him tense and shiver at her touch. She continued down to the hem of his pants where she hooked her fingers around the belt loops. He ground his hips into her, his dick suddenly becoming tight in his uniform pants.

A voice came from behind him, "Am I interrupting something?"

Felicity jumped and pushed him away from her. Steve turned around only to see Bucky inside the lab, sporting a cocksure smile. Neither of them heard the door open or close.

"Hi, Buck," Steve greeted, his face red and his smile embarrassed from being caught. He picked up his uniform top and pulled it over his head.

Felicity fixed her clothes and hair and said, "Hello, Sergeant Barnes."

"Steve. Dr. Bellucci, please call me Bucky."

"Call me Felicity then. What can I do for you?"

"I just needed Steve for a moment, is all. But if you guys are too busy trying to have sex in–"

"Alright!" Steve interrupted his friend, tightening his harness. "Alright, just a second."

Once he was all the way dressed, Steve grabbed Felicity by the waist and swung her to him, planting a kiss on her lips. Her eyes were closed, but his were wide open, staring straight at Bucky. He smirked against her lips as he deepened the kiss simply to piss off his friend. Bucky used to kiss girls in front of him constantly, so this was his little bit of sweet revenge.

Bucky rolled his eyes. He knew what Steve was doing.

Felicity put her hands on his now-clothed chest and parted from him, leaning her forehead against his chest in what he assumed discomfort from someone watching them kiss. He knew she was holding back a smile though.

"You better find out what Bucky wants..." she put forward.

Steve put his thumb and forefinger on her chin, bringing her head up to look at him. "I'll see you later?"

She bit her lip, tempting him. She hummed, then said, "Words of Affirmation is next."

"Sounds wonderful," he said, smiling.

"Okay." She smiled back at him. "Now go!"

Steve spared her one last glance as he turned around and walked out of the lab with Bucky, who put his finger in his mouth and mocked a gag as soon as the doors closed.

He knocked Bucky's right shoulder with his left. "C'mon pal, I've caught you doin' worse."

Bucky scoffed, not admitting defeat but also not arguing back either. "You're a punk."

Steve shook his head. "Jerk."


I love that Steve is an artist.

All the new Marvel projects that were announced recently are really exciting!

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