27 2 4

tell me why i opened this draft and was immediately met with gross couple activities. enjoy
also i was going through my 55 minutes phase while writing this so enjoy the jules gabriel verne guest appearance
calling him by his full name is so funny sorry gab


osamu my love <3

-good morning love

-hello mon amour

-sobs i Love that nickname
-also ranpo went on a horror movie binge literally all day yesterday and he's terrified of life and slept in my room


-have you seen the conjuring 2

-i think so yes

-i keep telling him i'm gonna sic bill wilkins on him
-he took a drink of my drink and then went "omg i can have the rest? thanks😏" and i was like "i'll call bill on you" and he goes "you can have it back."

-poor ranpo

-it's my duty as his older brother to make sure he never has a day of peace as long as he lives with me

-i'm terrified for when we move in together

-oh you already get no peace just dating me
-it's gonna be awful once we live together

-can't wait tbh

-me either
-u should send me photos of ur face🥺

-only if you do too


-i'm still in bed

-my pretty boy
-i can't believe you're mine i'm so lucky

-how dare you make me cry before i've even left bed
-ur turn🤭

-i'm also still in bed

-just started hyperventilating
-you're literally gorgeous ☹️
-let me kiss your entire face Right Now

-get out of bed and i'll take you to that one bakery


-10 minutes?

-ok i'm getting ready see you soon
-i love you

-i love you

group: the f(l)ags

albatross: i have not seen shirase's face


lippmann: we need to meet shirase fr

albatross: REAL

shirase: [image]

shirase: that is me

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