"Yeah, it was good." I ran a hand up his arm before tugging on it to bring him back down against the pillows.

Back to my favorite cuddling in bed with my BFF position.

His head settled next to mine and he put an arm up behind his head a I shifted to mimic his position. "Did you have things planned for the rest of the weekend?"

He shook his head. "Not too much beyond breakfast once we're all up. Make sure you don't run away screaming from the house..."

"Never. Now that I've been here, I think ya'll are gonna have a hard time getting rid of me."

He jerked up and stared at me. "You mean that?"

I stared up at him. "Yeah, I mean it. Tonight was good. It was amazing, it was everything that you and I had in Paris, just with all of our people here. It's how we did evenings with friends and it was so nice to be here with all of you even if it was just dinner and movies."

"And welcome home kisses." He reminded me.

I smirked. "And welcome home kisses. Those were exceptionally nice."

He grinned again before settling back down again. "So, do you have any ideas for today then?"

"I'd like to go on a run with Zack this morning." I said, taking a long moment to think about it. "It was our thing when we were dating. Saturday morning run... I'm going to order dinner from the diner today so I hope you all like meatloaf the way Zack does."

Cam laughed softly. "We like meatloaf." He reassured me. "And then what? More movies...?"

"Well, we could watch some movies this afternoon, I supposed. Like a trilogy or something."

"Hunger Games? That's four though..."

"It could be three Iron Man or Avengers." I rolled my eyes at him.

"So no Harry Potter... Pitch Perfect it is."

I slapped my hand against his midsection, grinning when he winced. "It could be three of anything, I only suggested three because you seemed to like the seat rotation thing from last night. Even though I don't need to watch other movies that way."

"We did that most of the time anyway." He said. "You just actually watched the movies. Why?"

"Because we were best friends with a roommate with benefits agreement. I liked being close to you." I said.

He snuggled me a little closer and kissed my forehead. "I get it. That's probably why I let you do it." He said.

"Ha. We were just idiots. But it would be so much worse if we'd actually dated, right? Returned from Paris together and you ended up introducing me to all my exes the first day we were home."

"Because this was so much less awkward." He made a face.

"Haven't dated you. Just them. So plenty awkward but it's working out." I said, softly.

"True. So what are we doing tonight then? After the meatloaf dinner?"

"I was thinking a good game of Truth or Dare but like Truth or Truth. I think we need full honesty and not so much daring. We can make it a drinking game. If you don't want to answer, you take a shot." I shrugged.

"That could get dangerous in a hurry."

"We'll be home. No one's allowed to leave once we get started. It won't be on an empty stomach and we kinda have to. I think there's things that each of you know about me but not all of you know everything. Except you. You probably know me better than I know myself but that's just because of our situation."

Jessica Forever AfterWhere stories live. Discover now