The BriarwoodsPart 1

Start from the beginning

"Why?" Vex asked where she was seated two chairs over from me on the other side of Percy. Scanlan was sat in front of me and Pike and Grog were at the other table.

"Why is she yelling?" Scanlan asked resting his head in his palm.

"Oh, good morning, Vax." Keyleth said as Vax had a plate and was carrying a piece of bread in his mouth.

"Morning." Vax mumbled out to her as he walked over to sit next to Grog, who struck out his arm nailing Vax in the dick, making him drop his food and fall to the ground in a cry of pain.

"Seven to two." Grog said laughing as he smiled at an in-pain Vax who pulled himself halfway up.

"I never agreed to this stupid game." Vax said glaring at Grog, as he climbed into his chair.

"Must you at breakfast?" I asked with a light roll of my eyes.

"We can't all be aloof tight-asses, like you and de Rolo." Scanlan said motioning to us as he spoke with his mouth full making me scrunch my nose.

"She's simply suggesting you could all benefit from some well-practiced restraint." Percy said wiping his mouth with a napkin speaking in my defense.

"Emotions aren't meant to be bottled up." Vex said as she hugged her bear trinket next to us. "Maybe you two should cut loose once in a while." The conversation was ended when we heard a pounding on the front door.

"Hello?" I could hear Lady Allura call from the front of the keep. "Uh, Vox Machina?"

"It's stuck." Keyleth said as we tried to push open the door to get to lady Allura.

"These old hinges are rusted." Vex said as she also pushed against the door.

"Grog, give it a little shove?" Pike asked the goliath.

"Yep, one sec." Grog said as he backed up and we all backed away so he could push the door, and he did push it open, off the hinges crashing into the wall missing Lady Allura by not much.

"Lady Allura, welcome." Vax said scratching the back of his head nervously. "Hope you didn't feel the need to bring a housewarming present."

"I didn't. Alas, I'm only here to remind you that Sovereign Uriel expects you at his dinner." Allura said.

"Oh shit. That's tonight?" Vex asked

"Finally." Percy and I said at the same time with a smile at each other.

"A proper evening. That I can actually dress up for again." I said excitedly.

"That will have proper protocol and civilized conversations." Percy said making me laugh softly and roll my eyes.

"It's more than just a party. Dignitaries from across the realm are here to form a new security pact. We must put our best foot forward." Allura said

"Right. W-Which foot is that?" Grog asked as he threw his food over his shoulder making the plate shatter.

"Hey, Pike, want to be my date? I promise to be on my best-behavior" Scanlan said pretending to brush his hair from the sides of his face.

"O-Oh I'm okay." Pike said looking away with a light blush.

"Lady Allura, we appreciate the gravity of the situation and will present ourselves with the utmost dignity." Vax said trying to charm the woman in front of us bowing before elbowing Grog in the dick making me face palm.

"Good one. Seven to five." Grog said as he leaned over in pain.

"Five he was just at two." Keyleth said confused.

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