Madeleine x Espresso

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One night Madeline was fast asleep, but was woken up to the sound of machines. By no surprise, he knew it was Espresso. Right after he stood up he heard a loud Explosion coming out of Espressos coffee room! Madeline immediately jumped out of bed, picked up his sword and then rushed to where the sound came from!

"Espresso Cookie! Are you alright!? Is everything ok in their!?", Madeline shouted.

Soon the fog surrounding the room cleared and Espresso was covered in Burt coffee and ash. But thankfully, he was alright.

"I'm fine Madeline! Go to bed already..!", Espresso said while wiping of the debris of his shirt.

"Oh sweet Divines..I was so worried about you! Don't scare me like that! Besides, when was the last time you've actually slept!?" Madeline said in a relived but serious tone.

Espresso replied in, "hm.. let's see.. maybe 2 weeks ago?"

Madeline was astonished of what he heard! Two weeks ago?!! That simply wasn't enough sleep for a hard working cookie like espresso!

He came to Espresso and scooped him up without hesitation and walked back to their bedroom.

"M-Madeline! What are you doing?! Let me down instantly!", Espresso said in a worry.

Madeline just kept walking to their bedroom and once they got their he plopped him on the bed and hugged him so tight that he couldn't escape, but also tried not to hurt him.

"You are going to bed wether you like it or not! Goodnight!" Madeline said boldly.

Espresso tried to escape his arms but it was no use..after giving up to squirm is way out, he just relaxed in his arms through the night. Maybe just one night of sleep would be nice..

292 words in total!!

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