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October 1st

Jimin looked at the clock with his tired eyes, squinting them as the clock read 11:34pm

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Jimin looked at the clock with his tired eyes, squinting them as the clock read 11:34pm. His eyes widened as he realised his shift ended half an hour ago, scrambling around gathering his belongings as he stared outside, into the darkness.

Jimin despised having to stay at the shop until dark, there had recently been an increase in death rates. In the past two days there had been 9 dead bodies, all brutally attacked and drained of blood.

It frightened everyone especially Jimin, being a 19 year old who lived on his own and his parents who lived two hours away. He was petrified of the dark, the things that hid in the shadows, that watched his every move.

Jimin wasn't stupid, he knew it wasn't just some 'animals' causing these attacks it was something else, something dangerous and deadly.

He took a deep breath as he placed his hand on the door handle, twisting it he walked out into the cold air, his hot breath coming into contact with the cold air.

Jimin was lucky he didn't have to walk all the way home, he owned a car but he had cringed to himself as he realised he had parked his car further down the road. Meaning he had to walk out in the open, he took a sharp breath and looked around at his surroundings cautiously and practically ran towards his car.

Jimin picked up his speed even more when he heard the sound of footsteps following him behind closely. Jimin cursed to himself, "What the fuck, there was no-one around when I checked" Jimin panicked as his eyes visibly brightened seeing his car so close to him.

The footsteps stopped. They were gone.

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows together, he stopped and looked around. No-one, there was no-one. He walked back towards his car unlocking it, about to take another step but his arm was yanked back forcefully, making him wince and drop his car keys to the floor, "Ow!" Jimin let out as he was dragged into an alley way, and pushed against the brick wall.

"You fucking prick! What is your deal?!" Jimin cursed, angry as he yanked his arm back staring at the unfamiliar man, who only smirked at him grimly.

"You really are a pretty one aren't you?" The man snarled close to Jimin's face, pulling up a knife to his face and carressing his forehead all the way down to Jimin's jaw, which clenched as Jimin stared at the old man furiously.

"What do you want?!" Jimin spat, venom laced in his voice as he tried to pull away from the mans grip, "Hm, I want my hands covered in your blood, Park Jimin" The man yanked Jimin's hair back as Jimin choked back his tears.

"H-how do you know my name?" Jimin whispered in pain, "I've been watching you a while Jimin, I always observe my victims before I watch them die a slow and painful death" The man smirked at Jimin's face that was decorated in fear and tears.

"W-why?" Jimin shaked, "Why do you want to kill me?!" Jimin was panicking too much for the mans liking, the man banged Jimin's head onto the brick wall he was pinned on, "You talk way too much, and the answer to your question is simple because I want to!" The man laughed hysterically, "I might add that you, Jimin are stunning so why not?" The man added sickly as Jimin flinched, the cold knife made contact with his neck.

Jimin could feel himself bleeding, a ringing sounding through his ears it hurt a lot and it was cold, so cold.

The man began to count, "Three, two... any last words pretty?" Jimin spat at the man,"If I ever come back in my next life, I will hunt you down and rip your head off, thats a promise" Jimin's voice was full of venom but he slurred his words as he swayed, the man looked shocked for a second and began laughing again,"Oh! You're a funny one Jimin! Too bad your times up, one!" The man dragged his blade across Jimin's neck as Jimin let out a blood curdling scream as he fell to his knees, clutching his neck, hot tears falling down his face.

He saw the man walking away as he looked back, smirking. Jimin tried his best to analyse the mans face,'I love you mum and dad, always and forever' Jimin thought to himself as he passed out onto the floor looking up at the stars, trying to smile through the pain, choking up blood.

He felt like he wasn't alone and moved his tear filled eyes to the side, seeing a pair of red piercing eyes staring into his soul.

Jimin closed his eyes, "Beautiful" he managed to whisper out into the cold air, his body going limp.

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