chapter 6

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I stare at that painting for a little while longer

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I stare at that painting for a little while longer. Memorizing every detail of it.
- Avery Grambs

Today is Grayson's birthday! His 20th birthday, which means a brand new chapter of his life.

I want to make it really special for him. I talked to Alisa and she set something up for us. We're going on a trip somewhere special, and it's a surprise. I'm so excited to tell him, he'll be so happy.

I thought it would be a perfect opportunity for him to get pictures of us.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that part, Grayson and I are now a thing.

The fake dating has turned real.

We haven't told anyone yet, since it happened last night.

Right now, I'm in my room, staring at the ceiling thinking about what I should get him for his birthday.

A camera?

No, he's got a nice one.


Noo. He's got plenty of those.

Oh!! I know the perfect gift.

You think I would tell you?

Its a surprise for you too.

I smile to myself as i thought of the perfect present.

I open my door, and peek out.

Nobody is in the hallway.

I start on my way to Alisa's office. I have to tell her what i am getting for Grayson so she can set something up for me to take a trip to where i need to go to get it.

"Aw, Avery. That's so sweet. I'll set it up right away."

I grin. "Thank you Alisa!"

I hug her and walk out of her office closing the door behind me, she likes privacy.

I walk down the hall, looking at every detail of every painting as I go.

Family portaits, murals, all kinds of different paintings.

I come across a recent family portait in which I see Nash, Grayson, Jameson, & Xander all next to eachother. Zara and Sky on each side of the boys.

Tobias was in this photo.

It must have been right before he passed.

A few down, I see another family portrait in
which each boy is in the same spot, same with Zara and Sky.

Tobias looks the same.

The boys are so small.

Grayson with his white blonde hair as a boy, now a dirtier blonde color.

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