Chapter 107

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Chapter 107

    It is impossible to really hollow out.

    But it's almost the same. Jiang Qiyuan can spend 30 million yuan, and he has already managed it well.

    He really took out the idea of ​​making a lot of money and getting dividends, so he took out his coffin book.

    After the ribbon-cutting event, Mr. Jiang took Jiang Hongji and Fu Youheng for interviews with several TV stations.

    Fu Youheng didn't want to go, but the old man had to show him again, so he was embarrassed to show his face.

    Unexpectedly, the news in these official newspapers was posted on Weibo again. At the same time, there was a small news that caught Yan Yan's attention.

    It was an announcement video of a small web drama with only 12 episodes, and it featured Ning Shuxue.

    Ning Shuxue plays the heroine, and according to the trailer, she should be dubbing.

    In the behind-the-scenes footage, Ning Shuxue did not make a sound.

    It seems that it is true that her voice was ruined by herself, otherwise, as the heroine, why would Ning Shuxue not say a word at the press conference?

    This announcement video was quickly used by people with a heart, and was linked to the recent news that Fu Youheng was interviewed at Jiang's house.

    Someone started to compare Yan Yan and Ning Shuxue, and Yan Yan's persevering sunspots came out again.

    @我的US: @yanyan little fairy, won't your conscience hurt! ? A good flower girl, just ruined her whole life by you!

    @嗔一笑: @杨燕小仙女@杨言小仙女@杨言小仙女,Your dad must plant a loquat tree tonight!

    @give me a little money: Upstairs, you forgot, didn't the Yan family make an announcement before saying that Yan Yan has nothing to do with them!

    @puchiyismile: @give me a little money, thank you for reminding me, this girl is really an orphan.

    Yan Yan's fans went to refute, but they were quickly countered.

    And Luo Ye, from big data analysis, concluded that these sunspots are definitely organized and rhythmic.

    Looking at these sunspots that can't be burnt by wildfires, Yan Yan's strange feeling spreads again.

    I had this feeling before.

    Yan Yan always felt that somewhere out of his sight, there was always someone who was retrieving all the information about him, looking for everything that could be used as black material, and began to publish rumors.

    But these rumors simply can't stand up to careful consideration. That person just attacked again and again, but never got any benefit.

    What is TA's plan?

    Now she has a real charge, she rarely even starts live broadcasts, does not participate in the entertainment industry, and even shuts down the Internet, Yan Yan is still living a prosperous life.

    This kind of black material on Weibo does no harm to Yan Yan at all. Who is so persevering?

    Moreover, Ning Shuxue's activity on the Internet again surprised Yan Yan.

    She originally thought that after that time, Ning Shuxue's acting career would probably be terminated early.

    But I didn't expect her to be so tenacious, and judging from the preview video, her acting skills have improved a lot from before.

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