9. @Pokemon-justice

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Third POV.

Today Sam would teach Nightingale how to use the Nova helmet. Generally all that should happen, was that she should learn how to use the powers of Nova, but she knew that other things would happen. Kind of... She has decided she would tell Sam about the feelings she had for him. And now that she was a Shield agent -and if he likes her too- they would see each other almost everyday.

Nightingale had come to the tri carrier, and in a room far away from everyone else, so no one would bother her and Sam.

"So, you use the helmet like this-" Sam begun, and talked nonstop about how awesome Nova was -how awesome 'he' was- oh well. But he also did tell how to use the helmet though..

*le timeskip~ sorry I really don't know what to write , and how Sam teaches her to use the Nova hemlet|sorry!*

As he told her how to use it, he flirted a lot too. Nightingale liked it a bit, but still -she knew he was just bluffing, and didn't like her the way she liked him-

"Look Sam, before you show more of your fake feelings, I'd like to tell you something.. And I know I will regret it too soon too." She said, hesitant.

"W-what is it?" Sam seemed nervous. He bit his lip multiple of times, and bit his nails too. He also stuttered when asking what she was gonna tell him. Did he get sick? Just of being with Nightingale for a few hours?

"Look Sam I-" Sam interrupted her, by crashing his lips onto hers.

When they pulled apart, they were both started, but Sam got to himself sooner than Nightingale.

"Oh no.. I'm so sorry Nightingale I shouldn't have done that. It's just I-" now nightingale crashed her lips onto his.

When they pulled apart, he was startled, and wordless.

"I'm not sorry anymore Sam. And neither should you be. I've liked you for a long time.. Really long time. I think.. And I was gonna tell you that I liked you.. Before you. Well before you-"

Sam kissed her again. "Before I kissed you?" He smirked, and she blushed.

"Y-yeah." She stuttered. "Okay, I dare you to answer yes on my question." Oh no, she thought.

But still -she had a feeling she would like this- she nodded.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" "Yes! Yes! Do you know how long I've been waiting for this?!" She shouted happily, jumping up and down, hugging Sam so tight he almost couldn't breathe.

"Wow wow, Nightingale. Be aware you won't kill your boyfriend the first day." She laughed.

"I love you." "I love you too."

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^Sara xx

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