I stepped out of my thoughts and put my head back in the game. Quickly, I maneuvered my way around him as he turned on his feet. He was met with my fist on his left cheek as his head turned right and my other fist on his right cheek as it turned left. Spit flew from the corners of his mouth as he moaned in pain.

I bent my knees and hit him quick and hard in the stomach, just like coach said. Each time I hit him he elicited an 'oof' sound and would stumble on his feet.

His chest was rising and falling quickly, his stamina had decreased drastically and I knew it was time for the finally.

I stepped forward and hit him with an uppercut to his left jaw. He tripped over his feet and the shouts seemed to increase. Everyone knew I was going to win, it was bound to happen.

All to soon though the crowd faded out and turned into a mutual buzz sound as I focused solemnly on the guy. My heart rate picked up quicker then before. My pulse was in my ears and there were knots in my throat. I couldn't fuck this up, no way.

Now was my chance. He looked at me and knew what was going to come next. I jabbed him forcefully in the face and he fell back, everything seemed to happen in slow motion.

The buzzing noise wasn't gone until I felt the referee pick my hand up, announcing me the winner.

I was flooded with relief as the crowd cheered in excitement, going wild.

A smile graced my lips as my coach came over and engulfed me in a bear hug even if I was covered in sweat. With the money from this match I could pay Jaime's and I rent, and possibly use this to by food. But then of course nothing ever really lasted us long.

Jaime hasn't questioned where I get the money from. He simply ignores it, he's just glad I pay it. It's not that Jaime doesn't have a job, they just won't give him one. See, he has quite the temper and can lash out easily. And his snarky comments seem to get in the way.

But that's what makes me love him, and also makes me mad at him. Sometime I just feel so done, but after I cheated on him I'm bound to try to fix the relationship.

I shooed off my thoughts and walked slowly to the locker rooms. Everyone was clearing out fast just in case cops storm in here at any second. I would get into legal boxing eventually, just not right now. As I past the dirty, brown halls I was nearing the lockers. This place was really gross and needed to be cleaned sometime.

The dingy lights flickered above my head as I grabbed my duffle bag and pulled out my towel. At times it's hard to hide this stuff from Jaime and I just want to tell him, other times I know he won't be happy and he'll probably leave me so I pretend I don't do this.

I turned the handle for the shower on medium, even though it never seemed to be medium. It was always either scorching my skin or below freezing. Stupid ass showers. I stepped into the shower and was met with a new type of water, it was warm.

Well damn, aren't I lucky?

I hated the fact that every time I shower I let my mind wander. I over think things which is bad. Other times I think about things I shouldn't be. Like right now. I'm thinking about when I was with Kellin.

No, I wasn't thinking about why he was at that bar. I wasn't thinking about how I left him this morning. I was thinking about when I fucked him.

I was thinking about how good the skin on skin contact felt, about how tight and warm he was. And the way his eyes would roll to the back of his head.

And his moans, oh god his moans. The way he looked when he stroked himself. That boy was a sinful pleasure. He was so submissive, and that was a huge turn on considering the fact I'm such a dominant. I wonder what he looks like on his knees.

The Affair • (Kellic) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now