An arm snaked around her shoulders, "you look pretty, princesse". The french accent soothed her. "Hey Pierre" she smiled. "do you want to get a drink and go sit outside? It's quieter out there, we could talk more". Y/n nodded and followed him to the bar, unfortunately Lance was over there. "Fancy seeing you here, Pretty girl" Lance said leaning over to her. "Hi Lance" Y/n nodded, Pierre just looked at him. "What are you doing with this loser? I could show you a much better time" Pierre snorted "How about you fuck off Lance". Y/n understood what Pierre meant when he said that Lance was kinda afraid of him because the guy walked away muttering to himself. "Come on Y/n, lets go outside" Pierre said and passed her a champagne and elderflower cocktail. "How did you know this was my favourite drink?" Pierre just shrugged, "I just guessed" Y/n smiled.


Trigger warning, mentions of Sexual Assault and Drugging

Y/n and Pierre sat outside talking for two hours, sharing stories and getting to know each other better. It got to a point when Y/n wanted another drink, and Pierre needed the bathroom. He didn't want to let her go alone but assure her he'd only be two minutes and would meet her at the bar. Y/n was standing at the bar, waiting for a bartender to serve her. While she was waiting Lance came up behind her and squeezed her butt. Y/n turned around, "excuse me" and then cowered when she realised it was Lance. "There's your drink miss" The bartender said placing her drink on the counter. Y/n leant down to look in her handbag, "it's a free bar, isn't it" she said when she turned around and realised the bartender was gone. Y/n took a large sip.What Y/n missed was Lance dropping something in her drink while she leant down. "Look babe, I think we got off on the wrong foot." Another big sip. "let me make it up to you, in a way that will make us both happy". Pierre appeared out of nowhere, stepping in between the pair. "Seriously dude, back the fuck off, she is not interested" Pierre pushed Lance back, "Go, before I break your jaw." Lance rolled his eyes, "whatever man, that's a waste of money". Y/n looked confused. "What did he mean by that" she said while taking another sip of her drink. As Pierre led Y/n away from the bar he noticed she stumbled slightly. "Are you alright?" he asked putting his arm around her waist. "I just feel a little dizzy, would you maybe want to leave? I need to lie down, I can go on my own if you want to stay." Pierre shook his head, "No Princesse, I'll get you back to the hotel."

Pierre led Y/n outside and into a taxi, once she sat down she whimpered, sounding panicked. "Pierre" his eyes snapped down to her, "I feel really dizzy". Pierre was confused, she only had two drinks all night, but then started connecting the dots. He leant closer to her in the back of the taxi, tapping her shoulder, "Princesse, was there ever a minute when you weren't looking at your drink, like when Lance was there". She nodded, "Yeah, I leant down to loo- to look in my- my bag". Her words were getting more and more slurred, she rested her head on his shoulder. "Sweet Princesse, I think he might have drugged you" he said placing a kiss on her hair. She started to cry, "Than-Thank yo-you for help- for helping me", Pierre shushed her "Don't speak, it's okay, you can stay in my room tonight and I'll look after you". The taxi pulled in and Pierre got out and opened the other side door and picked Y/n up who was still quietly crying.

Once they were up to Pierre's room, Pierre sat Y/n down on the bathroom floor. "Mon Ange, you probably won't like this, but I'm going to need you to make yourself sick." She moaned a quiet "why". Pierre rubbed her back, "You need to get that drug out of your system and this is the best way", she nodded and waved her hand at him to go away. "Nope, I'm not leaving you alone again". Y/n shook her head, "No, I'm sorry but I'm staying, I don't care, I've watched your brother throw up a million times, I'm seriously not leaving you." Y/n bowed her head in defeat and put her fingers down her throat to make herself sick.

"Are you feeling any better?" Pierre asked picking her up off the floor, setting her against the bath rim. "I feel less foggy, but i feel violated. I don't feel safe. This feels the same as when I dated James." Pierre looked at her, as she looked like she was about to continue, "would you want to tell me this if you were sober?" "I think so, I feel safe with you. I might not have told you this early but I would like to talk about it". Pierre nodded and motion for her to go on. "When I was in Italy, I was dating this guy ,James, maybe for like 6 months. He was always pressuring me to sleep with him, but I told him I wasn't ready. Then one night he came over when my roommate was out, he was frustrated, he wanted one thing and I wouldn't give him it. Then he got angrier, and angrier. He pushed me into my room, and hit me, a couple times. Then he pushed me face down and held my hands behind my back, I was crying out, telling him to get off me. My roommate came home and heard me crying, she ran in. James freaked out and left. He didn't rape me, but he had held me down and fingered me. I didn't want it. I hadn't been touched like that before, ever, and he took it from me." Y/n was crying again, but was conscious of how much she was talking. "I'm sorry, it doesn't matter, that was a long time ago". Pierre held her hand and led her into the main room. "It's okay, please don't apologise for opening up to me, and if I ever meet that guy, I will crack his skull". He placed her down on the edge of the bed. "You sleep in the bed tonight, I'll sleep on the couch", Y/n shook her head. "We can use the couch pillows and it's like a divider. Im comfortable with that" she added that as Pierre started to protest. She lay her head on the pillows, just looking at the ceiling. Pierre collected the pillows and placed them on the bed. Y/n got under the covers, "Thank you Pierre". "It's okay Princesse" he said getting under too. As he got comfortable, he rested his hand on the pillow divider.

As y/n was closing her eyes, she reached out and grabbed his hand, holding it while she drifted off to sleep. It was at that moment Pierre knew he would do whatever it takes to protect her. No matter what. He was falling for her, little by little, but also all at once.

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