(4) home for two!

713 21 21

' we need for supplies and stuff... ' -William

" yeah yeah I will go through tras- " -Gregory

' no what I mean is, we need to go the pizza plex. There's some stuff we can collect ' -William

" ... No " -Gregory

' what no? You always listen to me ' -William

" old man, do you want to get both of us killed? " -Gregory

' if this about Vanny then don't worry, you can kill her ' -William

" No- well yes but there's- " -Gregory

' if you want get Vanny to jail then I can help you. There are lots of evidences about her murdering children at the pizza plex ' -William

Gregory quiet himself for a moment then punch himself

' ayo kid! What the hell?! ' William

" why are you telling this to me now?! Like for sake you been living in my body rent free for 5 months and now you are telling me this stuff?! " -Gregory

' obviously because maybe you will turn me to the police too ' -William

" old man! It almost 10 children went missing because of you and Vanny! Then after you stuck in my body, 20 children disappear ever months! " -Gregory

' your point is? ' -William

Gregory scoffed and rolled his eyes. He decided to go to the pizza plex to stop Vanny...

" so how long will this take.. " -Gregory

' 2 or 5 days. It will be hard since you don't have your stupid guardian bear ' -William

" yeah yeah. I will packed up some sandwiches. It will be enough for us to not starving. " -Gregory

' bring blanket too ' -William

Gregory nodded and put blanket in his bag including some packed sandwiches. Gregory locked the house door and left to the pizza plex. They went inside through children crowd to avoid glamrocks from seeing them. Gregory then stopped because there's lot of children block his way now and he can't make too much attention

" Ughh " -Gregory

' yeah suck, let's play at the arcade ' -William

" we don't have coins- " -Gregory

' look at our hands ' -William

" huh- HUH! " -Gregory

In both of Gregory's hands. There are two pouch of coins. William control Gregory a bit without the real owner of the body realised. Gregory let a little laugh and smile

" Thanks old man! " -Gregory

' no problem kiddo but as exchange I want to play first ' -William

" pfft alright whatever " -Gregory

They had fun together. Gregory got free soda and pizza from the staff bot. William complained on how horrible the pizza taste while Gregory enjoying it.

" this is fun! It have been a really long time since last I had fun! " -William

'really, when was the last time? ' -Gregory

" oh back when I was young, I used to play this kind of games with my best friend " -William

' the one who betrayed you? ' -Gregory

" yep sadly that one " -William

" suck to be you, now let me take control of my body " -Gregory

' hey I haven't finished the game ye- ' -William

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