(3) New shelter

780 19 14

' Gregory, hey Greg. Greggyyyy. Hey grog! GRE- ' William


' good morning ' -William

" ughhhhhhhhh " - Gregory

' come one, this is just another boring day. Get your butt up and clean yourself ' William

" fine fine " - Gregory

Now it have been three months since William living with Gregory. He helps Gregory with self defense, helps him with manner yet not the hair. He did teach him how to tie his hair yet it still irritated him

" alright old man, let see if people will left their foods alone again " -Gregory

Gregory get himself ready walking to the donuts shop. William is tired of burger-  they got their donuts and ate it,

' next time get the strawberry flavored ' -William

" sometime I wonder if you the kid or I am the kid- " Gregory

Gregory walk around the town and about to go home. He stopped for a moment watching a kid being happy about getting a phone.

" thank you mom! "

" .... " -Gregory

' I want that thing ' -William

" well we could get one but we have to save money first " -Gregory

' nope I got a better idea. You bring the knife? ' -William

" always brought it with me " -Gregory

' good, now watch and learn for this experienced man ' -William

William control Gregory's body and slowly approaching the kid with the phone. He pushed the kid down and threatened him with a knife

" Now listen here kid, I want you to give me your valuable stuff or I'll send your finger to your family... " -William

The kid sobbing and cried out. He hand his bag to William in Gregory's body and ran away.

" pfft I miss killing kids, I hope this one isn't terrified of me- " -William

" WOAH! Old man you are very brave at this. I never have the guts to punch someone or threaten them but you have it! " -Gregory

' ... I wish my kids were like you ' -William

" huh did you say something old man? " -Gregory

' you're weak ' -William

Gregory make a poker face and sigh. He take a look of the bag and take out the phone.

" great we have it now, Oh we even have the charger! " -Gregory

' what's that for? ' -William

" what year you came from old man? " -Gregory

William gave excuses to Gregory about he doesn't remember the year because if he tell Gregory. He sure will call William an ancient

Gregory let it aside and walk away from the scene. While walking, William spotted a familiar house. He told Gregory to check the house if there anything valuable. So then Gregory went to house. They use window to avoid getting caught. Somehow there's nobody in the house. There only furniture such as old bed, old closet and stuff from 20 centuries

" oh man this is neat! " -Gregory

" yeah... Hey kid check that room too " -William

Gregory does what William told him. They entered the room and checking stuffs. William laughed a bit which made Gregory curious

" what's up with that face? You seem happy all of sudden " -Gregory

" nothing nothing... This house is belong to me actually and I am surprised my stuffs is still here and the house look it was never touch... " -William

" Oh. This house look like it was hidden because of the building. So I guess not lot of people know about it " -Gregory

" yeah... This is our new home now " -William

" what?!- but what if there still people living here- " -Gregory

" nope nobody ever dare to live in this house. Take it or take it, this is your options child " -William

" ... Fine fine. At least we got beds now and about food- " -Gregory

" food supplies in the fridge probably expired and stinky now " -William

" ew- " -Gregory

" anyway, go to other room closet. The one room with white door. It have clothes may suit you " - William

" old man, you had a child when you were alive? " -Gregory

" no question will be answered. Clothes now " -William

Gregory groaned but still went to the room. Gregory found an old flashlight and a golden bear looking like Freddy.

" take that too " -William

" why? " -Gregory

" just... Why not? " -William

Gregory picked up fredbear plush. He turn around to open the closet and the moment he opened it, there was only black with gray strip clothes.

" jeez.. Black and gray? Is this kid an emo- I am not wearing one " -Gregory

" wear or stay stin- " -William

" stop with that stupid option old man " -Gregory

Gregory pick the clothes and left the room. He won't wear it but will keep it if he's cold and need warm clothing.  William spotted a purple jacket and is happy about it, it was his old leather jacket when he was working in Freddy Fazbear. He made Gregory wear it and then Gregory complaining that William is an old man with old fashioned style. They both arguing and jokingly about it for a while.

" this is my first time having a home that I probably can stay forever... " -Gregory

" yep, thanks to me. Now go to sleep, I am tired " - William

" ugh fine, can't let me enjoy my happy moment- " -Gregory

Gregory walked to William old room and sleep in his bed. The bed isn't the best since it old but they really don't have option. William control Gregory's hand to take the fredbear so he can make Gregory sleep with it

" uh... Old man do you like sleeping with toys or something? " -Gregory

" oh no, this is for you. To avoid you having nightmares... " -William

Gregory look at fredbear for a moment and hug it. He closed his eyes and thanked William for it. William smiled because hell it been so long since last he heard someone child thanked him because all he heard was crying for help, screaming and yelling.

[they all did that because you literally murdering them 💀]

So both of them went to sleep and waiting for the sun to rise...


" another missing child.. " -Mike

Said Micheal sipping his soda. He's about to lose his patience but he stayed calm

" just where are you father... " -Mike

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