It ended with you

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Our story is one that is as old as time

Started on a simple roof

My hair in the wind

It seems as if it was yesterday

Complete strangers

Still, you told me your deepest "Naked Truth"

I wish I hadn't, given you a second look

Our story continued

When I started my dream

You already had your dream

"This my life" I recall

You never did care about mine did you

All you seemed to care about was how what you did

Affected me

"Where did you get this magnet"

I should have said none of your business

But no

You kept asking, asking, asking

I thought it was going to be a sweet night

Trailing kissing up my neck

If I could change one thing it would be letting you into my

I mean "our" home

I think I should remind you

You ran to find my room

You begged on your knees looking fucking pathetic

I should have said " Leave I never want to see you again"

Sometimes I wish I wasn't as good as the person I am

Based on: It Ends With Us

Second bit up I wrote this after I had finished it ends with us by Collen hoover this book I think is good I tried to show some things about it

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