Nostalgia (10,11,12 and 13)

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It took awhile for me to could say I didn't focus in writing so yeah but here is few I wrote.

-10- I sit alone one my bed
Thinking what would my
future hold for me...
Will I continue to be this fragile
or would I over come...this
That'll have to wait...I'll
live my present until the end.

I wrote this in March and reading this again in seems I have not actually gone from the place I was back at that moment. I am a little disappointed but lets just wait and see what the future hold.

-11- Excitement brings chills over my body
My body tingles to shout my emotions
Emotions that I kept buried down in my heart
The heart that beats rapidly anticipating the next moment
For the moment has come to finally let myself free..

Tears of joy that run down my face might be
misunderstood, since no one seem to see the brightness
of this moment, making it so hard to restrain myself
from shouting out, others could be shocked but
remind me that I am never going to stop myself
Freedom is something that I have been desiring for
so long so let me be selfish for at least awhile....

Going back from a exciting high
sometimes brings disappointment for
it has ended ,wanting more is
after something you've wanted for
so long is expected but it still
hurts knowing that I won't be able
to feel it least for sometime..

Well this...
It's like after so long you finally gets what you have been wanting but it's only for a moment or it's just being snatched away from you, and you just want more but you can only savor those bitter feelings you felt when you got what you wanted even if it was for awhile.

-12- Kind hearted, cheerful but still a human
I am very grateful for your existent
So thankful to reminding me of my worth
Different yet gets along so well
Letting me experience something I wanted for so long
Very happy that you ended up
being the friend that I will always
keep close to my heart
Love you from my whole heart my...FRIENDS
Please remember that...❤️

Well that day I just had to get my love I have for my friends out. I am very good at figuring out things and emotions but expressing what I feel and want is hard even though I don't shoe it most of the time. So this is just away I could get it out and maybe remind myself of somethings..?

-13- Memories are so nostalgic
It makes my heart beat fast
Feelings are so unrealistic
My heart flutters on it's own

Warm feelings makes me overwhelmed
sometimes but then again
the tingling that comes to me with it
It's confusing yet exciting

Let's see what you can do
When there's no one else you
Wanna come with me friend
This is our little secret...for you

Baby this is my dream world
Where we come from long forgotten
Dreaming our life together...

Honestly these ones came very randomly to me. Each line or verse is different from each one but yeah it still felt nice all them together.


Thank you.
I am really not good at poems or whatever the things I write when I say I am writing 'poems' but this way I can easily express my emotions and what I feel.

Reading some of them again I feel what I felt when I wrote them so yeah in away maybe what I want to give through these lines might not come to you even though it comes to me.

Well I'll try to improve more,<3


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