The rustle of sheets adds a buzz over the line, preventing you from hearing your own heart crack.

"Why do I even like him so much when I know he was just using me? Now he can't even be bothered to use me for intel... It's not fair... why... why am I so dumb?"

Then, she's sobbing into her pillow.

And there's nothing you can do but clean yourself up with a handkerchief and go back to work.

What should I take to Yor's this time? I already took the Hungarian wine. Maybe I should take the Russian vodka instead. Yeah, two months in Russia is more believable than two months anywhere else for a "diplomat."

It's been so long working this mission that you genuinely forgot Yor is married. The effort it takes to prevent yourself from slitting Loid's throat the moment he opens the door is more than enough to drive you to drink. Luckily for you, the "lovey-dovey couple" seem to be in the mood for cocktails as well. Unfortunately, Loid also happens to be a master mixologist, so just like his stupid appetizers, his blends are superb.

Worse still, you forgot how insistent your sister becomes when she's inebriated.

"Shooooo, how's it goin' wiff duh girl next door, hmmmmmmm?" she slurs and downs the other half of her first drink.

"It's not," you reply evenly and follow her lead, emptying the glass in one go.

"Whadya mean? You wike her. She wikes you. So... You must be dating!" Her matter-of-fact tone would be endearing if it were any other topic.

"Nope. Don't like her," you manage to pronounce clearly despite your tongue starting to feel like mud.

"Nononononoo Yuurriii. You depinetly wike her! I shaw you!"

"Shaw me where?!" you ask in a sudden panic.

"At duh paaaaaark. Dat day you dropped her. 'member?"

With a sigh of relief you mumble, "Oh wight...", then pick up your glass and attempt to drink its non-existent contents.

"Shooooooooooo! How's it goinggg????" she demands and pokes your cheek repeatedly.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right here."

"Oh, pewfect! I'll go get her!" Yor squeals in delight as she rises and wobbles towards the door.

"She's not home," you mutter and lay your head on the table.

"She's at work, Yor," Loid coaxes her gently into returning to her seat.

You pick yourself up and glare across the table. "Whadduhyouknow?!"

"Well, she's over here all the time, so I know her work schedule. I also know she's been missing you. Why didn't you ever call her?" His tone isn't scolding, which makes it even worse. He's being sincere, as if he cares about your happiness like he cares for your sister's.

"Why would I!" you shout angrily and grab the vodka from the bar cart, topping up the glass before slamming it down empty again.

"Because you should cherish the people who care for you while they're still in your life... You never know when that chance will disappear..."

"Awwwwwwww~ Woid, do you chewish meeee?" your sister asks with round doe eyes as she throws her arms around his neck.

You can't believe what you're seeing. Yor looks genuinely comfortable around him now, and the two are clearly much more affectionate than before. He pets her and kisses her forehead, murmuring his agreement so softly that you can't hear it. But you see it. His eyes are stained with adoration for her.

2LT Briar [Yuri Briar x f.Reader - SPY x FAMILY]Where stories live. Discover now