You will be the death of him

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"Nanami can I ask you something. It might be inappropriate but I consider us friends... I've just had so much on my plate lately that I just need to hear a mans perspective -" you spoke quickly.

Let me set the scene for you. You just broke up with your boyfriend of 3 years out of college. It wasn't as though either of you cheated, it wasn't even that you fell out of love- no it was far worse than that. He said he found you boring. BORING. He said he loved you but slowly realized it was only as a friend, and then tried to downgrade your entire relationship to friends with benefits to try and keep a spark alive. You cussed that boy out plain and simple. In the middle of a crowded restaurant which you were now banned from for life.

Now I understand that doesn't explain the conversation you wanted to have with your coworker who already had to stay back and work overtime to help fix a clerical error you had made. Stay patient and walk with me folks.

You eyed him, waiting for a response. Nanami Kento was devastatingly handsome, with a chiseled jawline and sharp cheekbones, eyes like pools of honey and the body to match. You were fairly certain he had caught you ogling him before on many occasions. Since he never made a move and seemed to ignore your blatant flirting, you assumed he wasn't interested. That, coupled with the fact that you were dating that garbage chute at the time, made you leave him alone as some forbidden fruit. And goddamn it did you feel like Eve in the garden He then sighed and turned around to face you fully in the cubicle space next to yours. "Is everything alright Ms. Y/N?" He asked. he glanced at you quizzically.

He then sighed and turned around to face you fully in the cubicle space next to yours. "Is everything alright Ms. Y/N?" He asked.

You had no idea how to phrase the next question. All of your erratic behavior lately (namely binge watching all of greys anatomy and one piece in the 6 months since y'all broke up) was coming to a head. That bastard was gone and you worried your self esteem went with him. But it is a question you wanted answered.

"I'm so sorry if this is inappropriate, but do you think I'm fuckable" - you blurted.

Nanami stopped typing. For a brief second he looked like a windows computer shutting down. You cringed internally. Surely there a was a better way you could have phrased that. But it is the bottom line of what you wanted to know.

"I just mean from a mans perspective. I know we don't talk about our personal lives much with each other but I broke up with my boyfriend recently and I just wanted a candid opinion of me because I think I'm a decently attractive girl but -" you rambled on.

Nanami was stunned. He truly had no idea how to answer that. One the one hand you were his co worker who he would consider a cordial friend. On the other hand, he wholeheartedly agreed that you were attractive. Easily the most beautiful woman in the office for that matter. And the way you leaned over his desk showing just enough cleavage was enough to make the seams in his pants feel a little tighter. And that pleading look in your eyes made him want to get on his knees and tongue fuck you until you were begging him to let you cum while showing you how beautiful you looked doing it. All of these things were true, yet he still wasn't sure how to answer. Nanami zoned out in his own thoughts long enough to realize that he simply hadn't responded to you at all and you had talked yourself into an awkward silence.

You pulled away from him a bit and opened your mouth, presumably to apologize but he beat you to it.

"Given the nature of our relationship as co-workers I must admit I never expected a question like that" he chuckled, embarrassed.

"But, if you want my honest opinion as a man" he continues slowly "anyone would be a fool not to think so". He hoped that wasn't too forward of an answer.

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