Jaken feels the need to add, brandishing his two headed staff, "It has been centuries since I began serving Sesshomaru-sama! Cross through three thousand worlds, have I! His most loyal follower! I answer to the name Jaken!"

Hakkaku drawls, "Oh, boy, what a braggart!"

"We've never heard of you or this Sesshomaru," Adds Ginta.

I remain unfazed and the wolves even begin to cower even more at my expression of irritation. Jaken snaps, "How dare you insult My Lord!" He gives a war cry as he raises his staff above his head. Even Shinobu readies his Archenemy.

"We'll take you on if it's a fight you're looking for!" Hakkaku challenges while gripping his left upper arm.

Jaken scowls furiously at the wolves which they return. I notice most of them shrinking away at my unwavering dark glare. I meet the gazes of some of the wolves including the two humans and they jump backwards out of fear, but don't retreat.

Just when I think a fight will escalate, Sesshomaru appears beside me. He asks in a smooth tone, "Jaken, Sakura, what's all this commotion?"

"Sesshomaru-sama!" Rin gasps in immense relief but stays behind me. Some of the wolves back up further at Sesshomaru's intense stare and aura.

Ginta demands to know, "Who are you and what do you want?"

"You looking for a fight?!" Hakkaku asks. Sesshomaru doesn't say anything. Hakkaku and Ginta hilt backwards yet again at our dark and unfaltering expressions.

Ginta whimpers, "We're gonna leave but it ain't out of fear."

"Yeah, you don't scare us, Mister! Priestess! Aaahhh!!" Hakkaku adds before ending in a scream of fear as he flees with Ginta and the rest of the pack.

Watching the wolves retreating, Sesshomaru asks, "Ah, Rin? Weren't you going to catch yourself some fish?"

She gasps at the reminder and smiles. "Yes!"

I glance to my lover as I sheathe my katanas. I say, "I had it handled."

"Didn't seem that way to me," Says Sesshomaru, gazing at me sidelong. "It looked more like a fight was going to break out."

"A second later, and I would've had those wolves running with their tails between their legs," I retort smoothly. Here, Sesshomaru steps towards me and I blush at the proximity. The others glance between us curiously, already knowing Sesshomaru and I are lovers.

"I would still protect you, Shinobu and Rin from them, Sakura-chan," He says before turning and leaving.

Rin sighs dreamily. "How romantic!"

Jaken and Shinobu make disgusted noises.

Third Person's P. O. V:

Ginta and Hakkaku lean against a tree a safe distance away as they catch their breaths, their pack mates with them.

"I gotta say, he was kinda scary, don't you think? And that woman was even scarier!"

"I agree, but ain't we seen them before?" Asks Hakkaku.

Ginta crosses his arms as he muses, "The guy said his name was Sesshomaru and the woman was Sakura, along with her brother Shinobu. I'm sure I've heard of them somewhere before. I wonder who the big mouth is?" He glances to his friend beside him as a wolf lets out a growl. "Anyway, we'd better get back to Koga."

"You're right! Let's go, wolves!" Hakkaku agrees before they take off at a run.

Meanwhile, with Kagome's group, they're face to face with the young wolf tribe leader, Koga, who is glaring at Inuyasha.

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