Chapter 4- Stranger Sewers

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{I just want to mention that there would be a reference to drug abuse and child neglect}

{3rd POV}

Doug stepped out of the portal. He saw a large wall with a crossed duck figure on it. The hallway was blocked, "Malak's blocked the entrance. Now that's just pathetic. Don't you think?" Bierce asked, "Sorta.." Doug replied, "Never fear love, there is a solution. You just need to re-arrange your brain a bit. Go to the ring alter." Bierce said, Doug headed out of the portal, going straight to the ring alter as he held his tablet. He was given the power telepathy but before he could head through the portal, a dark purple mist appeared.

It both stunned the duo, "What is that?" Bierce asked, "I- I don't know.." Doug replied, once it faded Doug saw his childhood friend.. it was Evans.. "Urgh... my head.." Evans groaned in pain as he rubbed his head, "Evie?" Doug asked, "Doug? What are you doing here!?" Evans asked, "I don't know, what about you?!" Doug asked back, "I.. I don't know, I just woke up here.." Evans said, "Well.. Bierce meet Evans.. my childhood best friend." Doug said, "Well hello love, I am Bierce and I am here to help you." Bierce said, "Doug, is that true?" Evan's asked.. he wanted to be sure that this lady was trustful..

As.. he feels something bad about this lady.. "Yeah.. she also said that she'll help me.. but we can explain more a bit later.." Doug replied, Evans nodded, "I could explain things.. but it would need to be quick, I am here to help you both but you and Doug have to do something for me in return. You both have to collect ring pieces for me by going through these nightmares and hell. Doug has already gotten me four pieces. There are five more pieces to go. I suggest you don't fail me detective." Bierce said, "Alright.. well Doug, let's go." Evans said while taking Doug's hand and going through the portal again.

Doug then activated his telepathy power, Doug was able to see through the walls. He saw a figure of a monkey from the first portal. Doug touched the wall and it moved. The monkey was startled and it ran away. The wall moved up, Doug then walked through the hallway, "Just don't let me catch you trying to see through anything besides walls." Bierce said, "No.. I have- or well had a wife.. and I'm not that perverted neither is Evans." Doug muttered, "Well. You better not be." Bierce replied Doug and Evans found themselves standing in what looked to be a sewer.

There was a sudden bad smell that struck at their nose. Doug cringed at it, he was also standing in dirty water, which also smelled.. "Not afraid of a little sewer water are you? Just don't get any of it in your mouth." Bierce said, Doug had noticed a strange arch on the left side, Doug went up to it, "Doug, what are you doing?" Evans asked, "I feel something strange in here.." Doug said as he pressed the arch, it lifted up and it revealed a passage way, both men went down it and they saw an ladder.

Doug went up it much to Evans displeasure, they both found a strange room, there was writings on the wall, they also collected a strange file that was there.. 'Wasn't she your ugly duckling?' And 'You thought that she'll become a beautiful swan?' and there was two boxes with a small dress duckie on there, and there was also eight papers on there, four papers being on the left, and four being on the right.

Four papers being medical documents on the right side and the other four being from Doug's dairy on the left.. it was four specific pages, it read, 'I don't know if I could handle this anymore.. the pills nor the psychiatry visits are helping her.. I can't predict the next episode from her.. as everything freaks her out.. I feel bad that I can't help her more..' Doug read.. he knew it was about Tammy..

He couldn't help her when she would have an episode because he was at work.. but he continued onto the next page, 'I try my best to help her and my wife.. but nothing works.. I know that I'm not really a huge family person but I try.. they both struggle to be happy, and since I have my lawyer career, I so can't spend a lot of time with them..' Doug read, he still didn't like any of this happening..

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