♡EU Meeting 1

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Poland's POV

The places in Ukraine were very beautiful...just like Hungary. I guess she doesn't want me to think of her that way, since I support Ukraine while she supports Russia. But it's hard at the same time, because there is no girl more beautiful than her ♡ I just want us to hold hands and kiss each other..Am I asking for too much? She's so sweet... I can't stand it, but no one knows yet that I don't see her as a friend. And I see, I'm not the only one like that. Croatia is quite suspicious... he flirts so much with Hungary. But I hope he doesn't mean any of his words. But if so, I won't have a chance with Hungary, even though I would do anything to make her mine.

4 hours later

No one's POV:

Everyone was paying attention and preparing for the EU meeting. Of course, only those who had anything to do with the EU, as being in it. They usually just discuss what can and cannot work, including the money they don't always get from the EU when they should. But they are talking about what makes Europe a better continent, unfortunately they have already messed this up, as a few countries are mostly in conflict with each other. The point is that they often have to sign who they kindly approve for this and that.

Hungary's POV:

Oh well, another EU meeting. What could be worse than that? I loved it until now, but now that I'm on good terms with Russia, I don't feel much better there than in NATO.

At the meeting:

Germany: So, boys and mädchen, we've gathered today to actually talk, but as if we're not talking outside of the meeting. Whatever. So if anyone is worried about anything, shut the hell up because Ich don't give a damn. Sorry, but I'm fucking grumpy because it's still fucking morgen, and damn, it's so early.

Poland: It's fine, why are we here anyway? I know we are gonna talk but about what?

Germany: Ich bin glad you asked, at least now you're not acting like you know we're going to talk about 1939, but it never was, du know we never talked about it except now

Poland: ...Ty dziwko

( in mind) Nem értem, hogy Németország miért hozza fel ezt. De nem mintha érdekelne. Viszont Oroszország nem tudja, hogy még mindig az EU tagja vagyok, ki kell lépnem. (
I dont understand why Germany bring that up. But its not like i actually care. But Russia doesnt know im still in EU, i need to leave )

I'm lazy to do the rest

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