Power Up! Mask Heroes Part 2

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Shalsha: Why do you want us to remove our mask.

Milim: Because I know you two are hiding your strength wearing those mask and I have a good eye of knowing people hiding their strength. So there's no point of hiding how strong you three are.

The twins seem surprise how Milim knows they were hiding their strength using their anti-magic mask. Regardless there was no point at hiding and they remove their mask. This give Milim a chance take a good look at their facial features and she had a look of surprise once she seen their face

Milim: (So those twins are Rimuru's kids, they look just like him. They seem quite strong they could be as strong as me before I ever became a Demon Lord but I at least want to see it with my own eyes. I am just really happy for my bestie having a family of his own and having strong daughters that they're totally my cousins now.)

Milim: Oh wait before we get to fighting can I at least know your names and do you two have any cool titles as well.

Falfa and Shalsha look at each other then they nodded in agreement.

Falfa: I guess it will hurt to tell her about us.

Milim: Great! Once you two are done I'll introduce myself to the both of you and my title is that a deal?

Falfa/Shalsha: Deal!

They start introduce their self. The first one to start what Falfa.

Falfa: My name is Falfa Tempest the Blue Destruction Blazing Dragon, firstborn child of Rimuru Tempest and Tiamat Tempest!

Shalsha: I am her younger sister Shalsha Tempest the Green Demolition Inferno Dragon, second born child of Rimuru Tempest and Tiamat Tempest!

Milim: Wahahaha! Great titles but now it's my turn. I am Dragonoid, also known as the Destroyer, the Demon Lord Milim Nava! And it's nice to meet the both of you noda!

Kazuma: Hi, my name is Kazuma. Hey, hey, wait! Why don't I sound as cool as these guys here?

Take two

Milim: Since we're now done with the introductions let's start this fight already!

With that they began to fight in air. Taiga, Sakura and Kumo we're now going to face the lady ogre while Kunou will be fighting both Vajra and the Guiar Wolf

The purple ogre: Let's see if you three brats can you give me a good fight I bet you three won't last long. I am an aggregate of ogres. Call me Dodomeki. Now it's time for you three to know your place!

Taiga: Come on guys let's show this lady what we're made of! Let's not let her talk down to us any longer!

Sakura/Kumo: Right!

Vajra: Yo Guiar Wolf how about I used that Unique Skill I acquired to make the both of us stronger.

Guiar Wolf: I don't like you using that skill on me but since that will make me stronger I guess I have no choice but to agree to letting you use it.

Kunou was just standing there listening to their conversation and she had a plan up her sleeve once those two are done planning whatever they are planning to do. Then Vajra spoke to her with a mocking tone.

Male reader as Rimuru in Highschool DxDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora