the world is changing

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Year 2003 people suddenly gain a super power scientists can't even make a theory on how this happen years after years people finally got used to their superpower using it like it's they normal day but if there is one day that people will never forget it's on march 3 2018

March 3 2018

None POV

???:that thing gonna eat us cause we cow!!!!

《A/N:if you watch aot in 9 minutes you know》

???:(they so loud...tch whatever i can settle this in 1 second-)

Dies of death

???:(i swear to god they're so fucking annoying)

???:*stretching out loud*

???:oh shi-whatever that thing is,it's screwed

???:*comes from behind*hello bitch



???:well it was fun while it last

???:shut up Zen you not even helping

Zen:well atleast i still help unlike you who literally sleep whole time since the attack begin Haruki

Haruki:*sigh*whatever i will go chase that girl back


《A/N:not gonna lie i kinda forgot bout this book because i was playing saoif》

Haruki:*jump to the other side of the building*

Haruki:make sure you settle the rest

Zen:i know i know

Zen then jump towards the big mysterious monster and look around to check the destruction

Zen:oh shi-half of Tokyo is destroyed...well I'm just gonna call Izanami

Zen take out his phone and call Izanami


Zen:can you rebuild Tokyo back?

Izanami:[yeah sure but it will take like....4 months some like that]

Zen:that's should be ok

Izanami:[alright cool anyway bye gotta go back repairing Haruki katana]

Zen:alright bye*end call*

Zen:(wait...if Haruki katana is repairing...then who's sword he is using...?

[At the base]

Kazuki:where the fuck is my sword at!!!

[Back to Haruki]

Haruki:where is that girl?*sees the girl he searching*(finally)

Haruki then jump down infront of the girl that summon the giant monster


???:oh hey

Haruki:can i capture you so that we can have q&a session?


Haruki:alright cool*handcuffed ???* Alright now let's go back to the base

[This timeskip has been sponsored by Kei]

[This timeskip has been sponsored by Kei]

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en:oh welcome back

Haruki:get this girl to the cell

Haruki then throw the girl to Zen and he evade her

Zen:ok*pick up the girl and bring her to the cell*

Haruki:i will come in 30 minutes

Zen:roger that

Haruki then go to take a shower and wear a white t-shirt and a red cloak

《A/N:watch death note?know L?yeah his hair is like L but white and his eyes is color red》

[At the cell]



Haruki:not you cheeky bitch


Zen:what's up?

Haruki:can you open the cell?

Zen:yeah sure

Zen then open the cell Haruki quickly enter the cell and summon a chair because of plot convenience

Zen:the fuck?

Haruki:alright Q&A time

Haruki:first,why did you summon that monster?

???:to entertain myself*evil grin*

Haruki:seems legit

Zen:how the fuck it's legit??she literally destroy half of Tokyo!

Haruki:Izanami can just rebuild it back so no problem

Zen:tch*sit back on his seat*

Haruki:Alright next question...what is your name*ayanopapa-i mean Manabu glare*

???:aren't you already know that...Haruki?

Haruki:well i guess you right...Izana Arisu

To Be Continued

Sorry for the late update and for the short chapter because unlike you guys weeb i have school and part time so don't go wondering around on why im late and plus this is my first time writing book and if you wondering on some names it's from some of my friends?or not?i don't know anyway im not gonna post any chapter for i don't know because we have training camp...not like we can't bring our phone with us gonna be busy to even write a single sentence anyway bye

Masochist-i mean classic Haruki out

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