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Start from the beginning

Entering from the back so she doesn't drag too much attention, to her surprised she wasn't greeted by glares and stares the moment she entered, rather the atmosphere of this roon was more silence and awkward its making her feel overwhelmed. Euraki sat down at the middle of the line up chairs, in her row there is no single student sitting next to her which is greet.

Another minutes have passed the number of student coming in to the room was increasing, from 6 to 8 people she saw as she entered to 20 to 25 students is now right infront of her eyes, the silence from the beginning didn't last, and now was filled with whisperring and chatting. This University seems to be like a normal school full of teens chattung about their life style, despite their species.

She glances from both sides where she was sitting in the middle and they were no filled with students that had the same color of bow tie in her neck, nobody somehow didn't sit with her she was quite relieve though. Until someone pull a chair right next to her, nervously she would thought it might be someone who would have a bad intention to her specially that girl who is a Parasites, she admits her mistakes and how arrogant she was to interfere in that matters.

A tall woman with a brown hair and bangs, she had the light color of blue eyes, had pale skin tone but lips are red as a cherry, she was very beautiful and looking so innocent. The woman glances at her seemingly letting her body languages speaks as she understood what she met. Euraki somehow greeted her with a small smile and nod signalling that she could sit besides her, as the lady pull a chair and now sitting right next her.

Starting a conversation is not very much of her likings, she rather stayed silent no matter how awkward the situation is instead of making a move first. She finds something that could distract herself and not think about the whole situation right now, that's right making her own chess board by drawing it through a paper as she was againts by to herself.

Busy making a move from left to right, the queen was move diagonal next to the knight of the right team, the knight makes a moves of a backwards L as it makes a checks right into the left sides team. She was about to scribble her next move to make this a win but to her shock another hand with a pen interups it as it scribble to her paper, making the opponents from the other side fights back. She look into her side seeing the lady who sat next to her.

She was all expressionless but she could see how amuse this woman into her forming a small smirk into its face, Euraki somehow didn't say anything and deflected her attack by moving her other knights to catches the King and trap it, her eyes narrowed when her opponents reads her moves, proceeding to the same methods until she realized that she lose. A heavy sigh came out of her mouth after that, she doesn't know how many tine have passed but was sure that class will start in any minutes seeing how many students are in the classroom now.

"Nice game. Although you lose" the cold but clear tone of the woman sitting next to her spoken in a calmer voice. Euraki couldn't help but to look at her but now she intent to open her mouth to speak as few words of amused had been released.

"Thank you. Great job winning" two sentences came out with great sense of speaking no more like formal, its because she was used to a formal talk it is what it is that she learned from her original world.

"You speak formally, I'm surprised, I'm Lilianna Wyendeirbeg. Call me Lili, i prefer that you speak comfortable to me" she says with a hint of amused in her tone this time. Wait. Wyendeirbeg?

Euraki vividly remembers that the Wyendeirbeg family is that one that us closest to the Imperial Families which it makes them to be the second highest status in the world of Nobles, she was shock to see another person to be enrolled in this University, what she cannot understand is that, why would the Grand Duke Wyendeirbeg send his daugther to this University.

She is none other than Young Lady and Future heir, Lilianna Wyendeirbeg, the first daugther of Grand Duke Einston. Euraki went silent on her own thoughts as she snap out of it as soon as she saw a hand infront of her asking for a shake hands, confused as she was she doesn't know how to react as she slowly held it and the girl name Lilianna took it and shakes it as her greetings.

"I-.. I'm Euraki Liverta, I-" Before she could finish her words the whole class stayed silence as a woman with silvered white hair and had.. fox ears? Wearing a design colored of red and black kimono entered with a files of papers in her hands.

"Hello Honeys~ todays the first day of the school year, I will be your Homeroom teacher and Adviser, I am Nina Kosaka"  as the fox woman introduced herself to the crowds with her red eyes and marks around her faces, despite her species she had taken a form of a Human.

"Well then, before we all start let me just call on into.." her statement was cut off with a hummed as she took a paper out of a files and looking at it slowly from top to bottom, she stop in mid-way as soon as she founds what she was looking for "Miss Euraki Liverta? Where is she?" She says her named as the fox teacher roum her eyes around the whole class searching for her.

"That is Ms." Raising her hands half away as she felt the staring presure from her back, the Fox Teacher simply nod and smile as she signalled her to stand up which she did and make her way to the center of the whole class as she have her full view of it. Seeing many students had their eyes on her now makes it more anxious for her.

"Everyone, Euraki Liverta here is our transfer student. Please let every teachers from each subject knows about her okay?" She says in a enthusiam smile she gave as all the students nod and quietly whispered their answer making a whole mumured sound of 'okay'.

She felt like she was being baby sat because of this now, but it was not bad as it would be. At the corner of her eyes she saw a familiar figures of someone, her eyes stuck into that figure as she zoom her eye sight more further she saw the man that she met yesterday.

The man with a light colored of blonde with a shiny bliss of purple eyes, sitting all the way up next to a window which is far right side of the class room, she believe and remember his named is Luca Kaneshiro. The blonde also recognized her, he gave her a small wave and a grin of smile, she notice his covered heal wounds instead of his greetings to her, she just slightly nod and get back to her sit.

The class was not boring nor difficult as she thought it was rather normal. She wouldn't imagine it will be like how she studied back in her old days, the lessons are very normal for a human nor any types of species to handle, she takes notes at everything that is written in the black board while listening. Her shoulder suddenly felt so heavy as if someone was staring at her from behind.

She didn't intend to turn around to check who it was that is staring at her, rather she wanted to act calm, normal and low as possible as she should. A lightly nudge she felt from her sit mate who she now knows as a noble as her, but neither confirm whether she is a Human or not, despite the proof of being enrolled here. Turning a little to her side as she saw a sly smirk coming into her mouth.

"Looks like you have an admirer already first day of the school year~" she teasingly says which it made her confused, raising her eye brows at her.

"May i ask what do you mean by that?" formal as always when she talks, she just couldn't help it. The brown head lady playfully shake her head and lean closer to her.

"The council seem to be locking their eyes at you, careful there, he killed without mercy" she still doesn't know what she ment by that.

But mentioning the 'council' she knew who they are, becahse she just met two of them yesterday. And she was sure ut was not that other man but this man is the one she was talking about, curious as she is now. She turn around to look on whoever made her shoulder feel so heavy from the stare and she confirms it with full blast. It was the blonde, Luca.

The moment they lock eyes, he smiled at her with a small wave once again seemingly doing it on purposed as he didn't get a respond from earlier, while Euraki is just thinking on how to get out if a situation she just created, what a mess she said in her head.

Will always be a late update :/


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