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Addison O'Conner pulls up to where a robbery call had just came in for. Addison quietly closes her cruiser door behind her because it has a tendency to squeak. Addison pulls out her handgun as she cautiously looks around before she makes her way around the corner of the house.

Addison stops to see if there is any sign of movement in the house before hearing the squeak that her cruiser door makes when it's opened. Addison cautiously walks back around the corner of the house to find two skinny guys whispering amongst themselves as one sits in her driver's seat.

"What do we have here?" Addison asks with a smirk as she walks over to them with her gun raised.

"Shit," The guy, outside the cruiser, says as he puts his hands up while a toothpick moves between his lips.

"What?" The guy, in the cruiser, asks cluelessly before sticking his head out of the cruiser, causing his eyes to grow wide in shock.

"So, what are you trying to steal?" Addison asks with an eye roll as she holsters her gun, deeming them not to be a threat to her, causing the guy with toothpick to look at her in shock.

"The police scanner," The guy, still in the cruiser, answers her, causing the guy with the toothpick to glare at him which causes Addison to smile.

"Why?" Addison asks intrigued by the two, causing the two to realize that she wasn't an ordinary cop.

"We're street racers," The guy with the toothpick answers with a shrug as if it was obvious.

"So, you're stealing my radio so you will know if there are cops about to disturb your race?" Addison summarizes as she looks between the two before the guy in the cruiser nods. "I'll tell you what. I'm going to walk around the house and you both better be gone by the time I get back." Both guys look at her in shock before nodding.

"O'Conner, is it clear?" Addison's personal radio goes off as she reaches the back of the house.

"All clear. No sign of a break in," Addison answers as she walks back over to her car to find the two guys gone, along with her police scanner. Addison shakes her head with a small smile on her face before grabbing her personal radio as she sees at white Jetta drive off in the distance. "Correction. My cruiser was broken into."

"Return to the station, O'Conner," Someone responds before Addison does as told.

Addison gets in trouble with her chief for leaving her car unattended before he assigns her a mission of finding the street racers because there is a chance that the street racers could be the ones hijacking semi-trucks.

The next morning, Addison is in her regular car looking for any sign of the white Jetta that she had seen the night before

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The next morning, Addison is in her regular car looking for any sign of the white Jetta that she had seen the night before.

Addison drums her fingers on the steering wheel before she remembers her chief mentioning that Dominic Toretto is the key to the street racing world, so she starts making her way to the Toretto garage and store.

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